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但是磁力推进有一些缺陷。But magnetic propulsion has some drawbacks.

翅膀提供推动力,尾巴起方向舵的作用。The wings provide propulsion and the tail acts as a rudder.

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目前,载人机动装置已被更安全的背包式推进器所取代。The MMU was replaced with the SAFER backpack propulsion unit.

航空部对喷射推进的兴趣渐浓。Interest in jet propulsion was now growing at the Air Ministry.

多级火箭是装有一台以上发动机的火箭。The liquids employed for rocket propulsion are called propergols.

这一模型将研究从亚燃到超燃的转换。This work models the transition from "ram" to "scram" propulsion.

这四个登陆点的选择被称为喷气推进实验室版的终极四强赛。Call it the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's version of the Final Four.

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1939年,涡喷发动机引入了一种全新的推力方法。In 1939 the turbojet brought an entirely new method of propulsion.

探讨了喷水推进的关键技术。Key technological problems about waterjet propulsion are proposed.

距离可选择的单一的推进系统出现还太早。It is simply too early to down-select to a single propulsion system.

大气呼吸模式激光推进的实验研究。Experimental investigation on air-breathing mode of laser propulsion.

氢推进系统将是幻影眼成功的关键。The hydrogen propulsion system will be the key to Phantom Eye's success.

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渡船为我国首次采用电力推进的滚装船铁路轮,柴油发电机组是渡船动力装置的核心。The electric propulsion for train ferry is the first of its kind in china.

现在,科学家们推测出这些螺类令人迷惑不解的推进方法。Now, scientists have puzzled out the snails' baffling method of propulsion.

主机为二台中速重负荷船用柴油机。The main propulsion engines are two medium speed heavy-duty marine diesels.

在康奈尔大学的工作是测试昆虫的推进力和可控性。The work at Cornell is testing hypotheses of insect propulsion and control.

他并不熟悉另一项为立方体卫星设计的电力推进系统。He is not aware of another electric propulsion system designed for CubeSats.

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如果推进力没有改善而流线型有所改善,那游泳运动员会游的更快。If propulsion is not improved and streamline is, then a swimmer will go faster.

如同一把弹弓,拉的越紧,射的越远。It's like a slingshot -- the harder you pull, the more propulsion you generate.

4个涡轮动力机将为船只提供超过30节的速度。Four gas-turbine propulsion plants will power the ship to speeds above 30 knots.