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我无法充分的强调第4步。I can't emphasize Step 4 enough.

我想要强调一点,这一切还没有结束。I want to emphasize that this is not over yet.

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强调限期内完成工作的重要性。Emphasize the importance of deadlines and tasks.

我简直无法形容魂体合一有多逆天。I cannot emphasize how amazing body and soul is.

在这次的讲座里,我想强调两件事。In this lecture, I want to emphasize two things.

会让游戏强调微操而缺乏宏操。Causes the game to emphasize Micro and less Macro.

我们今天想要强调的就是,他们的表示。I want to emphasize today the presentation of them.

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反身代词可强调名词或代词。Reflexive pronouns can emphasize a noun or pronoun.

每天,埃克哈特会强调比较的重要性。Day after day, Eckhardt would emphasize comparisons.

子书回到军营,想起喜冰,傻笑不已。Zishu emphasize back to barracks, like ice, smirking.

重点讲解经络的概念。To emphasize the concept of meridians and collaterals.

叠句也可以用来强调某个观点。Refrains can also serve to emphasize a particular idea.

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团结是指齐心齐力,重视团队合作,以达永续经营。Team spirit- be whole-hearted, and emphasize team work.

首先,我们重视合作甚于竞争。Frist of all, we emphasize cooperation over competition.

让我强调一下我们做的这笔订单的重要性。Let me emphasize the essentiality of this order we made.

我必须强调这样一个事实,这就是她只不过是个小女孩。I must emphasize the fact that she is only a little girl.

喜欢上你的肚子吧,重视它,别遮遮掩掩的。Love Your Belly Pose to emphasize your belly, not hide it.

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让我们强调一点,这个商业模式不需要太复杂。Let me emphasize that the idea does not have to be complex.

这种态度会使人格外重视生命的价值。Suchan attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life.

我想强调的是新的阿克苏诺贝尔意味着壮大。I want to emphasize that the new Akzo Nobel is about growth.