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我也真是,办事就是不周到。I've certainly been remiss about things.

政府的大意已经触发了强烈的反应。The government's remiss has triggered a forceful reaction.

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在结束之前,如果不提一下性能就是我的失职了。Before closing, I would be remiss not to mention performance.

不过我早该去了,不去向新娘道喜总是不大妥当。But I ought to have gone before. Not to wait upon a bride is very remiss.

我们不能忽视通胀对中国股市的影响。We'd be remiss to not mention the impact of inflation on Chinese equities.

来到印尼,不能不谈万隆精神。Being in Indonesia, I would be remiss if I did not mention the Bandung spirit.

在起诉和监督内幕交易方面,上一届政府及其领导下的证交会存在严重的玩忽职守行为。The last administration, and the SEC it supervised, was remiss in prosecuting and surveillance.

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如果不能尽快把你安全的送到埠口,那又是我们的失职了。Of course, it would be remiss of us to not see you along the safest and quickest route to the port.

此刻,身处欧洲历史名城慕尼黑,我想谈谈对中欧关系的看法。Being in Munich, this famous historic city, I would be remiss if I did not touch upon China-Europe relations.

因为人们很少会自我发展,这就意味着作为一名管理者你是不称职的。And since people seldom develop on their own, it means further that you have been remiss in your duty as a supervisor.

当然,我将是失职,更不用说劳力士自己的口径2235年的能力,以符合三名男子的动向。Of course I would be remiss not to mention Rolex's own caliber 2235 for its ability to match the three men's movements.

如果我们不对本报首页上这则多彩的法律新闻稍作点介绍,那就是失职了。We would be remiss if we didn’t give you a whiff of this colorful legal story that ran on the Journal’s front page today.

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不过,如果不坦承你们这项厚爱有加的决定所引起的相当激烈的争议,那我就有失疏忽了。And yet I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the considerable controversy that your generous decision has generated.

但是我还是有必要对所有不想被性侵的女人们说一句千万小心!But I would be remiss if I did not also offer words of stringent caution now to every woman who wants to avoid this crime.

当然,肯定会有人一个不留神就忘记了这点,结果常常则是被那群著名的随时待命的猎狗赶出彭斯大宅。Of course one would be remiss to forget the famed on-call hounds who chase visitors out of his mansion on a regular basis.

不过,如果不坦承你们这项厚爱有加的决定所引起的相当激烈的争议,那我就有失疏忽了。And yet I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the considerable controversy that your generous decision has generated.

我们必须强调需要继续增加基础研究的经费,特别是国家自然科学基金委员会的资助,否则我们就失职了。Of course, we would be remiss if we did not also emphasize the need to continue to increase the funding of basic research, especially that for NSFC.

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普通锅煮东西耗费时间长,还容易烧焦食物,如果有高压装置或者用电,疏于照管甚至还会出现险情,危及安全。The normal kitchenware waste much time in cooking , and easy to burn the food, if there is high voltage setting or electro, it is very danger once be remiss of !

我自己从来没有用过这些工具,也没有在项目中用过,所以我说不好其价值,但是我要是不提及其存在就是我的不对了。I have never used them myself, nor been in projects that used them in earnest, so I cannot comment on their worth, but I would be remiss if I did not mention their existence.

他认为最好建议政府启动某种宣传机制促使那些极度易感的人接受疫苗注射,并认为不尽早采取这种行动是政府的失职。He thought the government would be well-advised to mount some sort of publicity drive to get the most at-risk vaccinated, and said he thought it was remiss not to have done so already.