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第二点,贸易赤字。Next, the trade deficit.

首先是美国的贸易赤字。First is the US trade deficit.

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这个赤字不能算成我的赤字。That deficit is not my deficit.

我们的赤字依旧会增加。Our deficit will continue to grow.

这家公司亏空3000美元。The company had a deficit of$3000.

我们今年有很大亏损。We have a great deficit this year.

那如何解决由此带来的财政赤字呢?But what about tackling the deficit?

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也没有发现存在的大细胞不足的现象。It also found no magnocellular deficit.

于是我决定恶补我的瑜伽知识。I decided to fix my Yoga Deficit Disorder.

但是,担心财政赤字的人们完全错了。But the deficit worriers have it all wrong.

我们的教育亏空太大,不容忽视。Our education deficit is too wide to ignore.

里根式的经济政策产生了更严重的赤字。Reaganomics helped to produce a giant deficit.

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所以现在我不会理会那些关于赤字的叫喊。So for now I would disregard the deficit hawks.

什么是注意缺陷多动症?What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

几乎任何缺陷都可以解释为意志方面的原因。Almost any deficit can be explained as volitional.

所以说——但是,我们的确必须解决赤字问题。And so -- but we do have to deal with the deficit.

这个时代的赤字鹰派就是下个时代的凯恩斯主义者。One era’s deficit hawk is another era’s Keynesian.

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它的预算赤字大约是希腊的一半。Its budget deficit is about one-half that of Greece.

但是,美国为降低他们的贸易赤字又做了些什么呢?But what has the US done to reduce its trade deficit?

他们的对华贸易赤字如今仍然非常大。Their trade deficit with China is now also very large.