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我们不能接受这种“唯我论”。We don't accept such solipsism.

真是奇怪,&他想,&难道这世上的唯我论也会受到限制?&。Strange, he thought, can there be a limit to solipsism?

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主观真实同样也考虑到了唯我论的可能有理观点。SR allows for the potentially valid perspective of solipsism as well.

没有提到黑格尔也没有提到笛卡尔,也没有学习唯我论,三段论。There is no mention of Hegel or Descartes, no study of syllogism or solipsism.

他认为“语言学转向”的句法-语义学阶段并未走出方法论唯我论的怪圈。He thinks the syntax-semantics stage of "linguistic turn" has not transcended the methodology solipsism.

他猛烈批评最低限度道德纲领,把它斥为唯我主义,骨子里自私自利。He sharply criticizes the moral outline of minimalist, completely scolding it as solipsism and selfishness.

唯我论基本上是当你试图通过客观镜片解读主观实在时得到的东西。Solipsism is basically what you get when you try to interpret subjective reality through an objective lens.

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大量的哲学家在某种程度上或多或少的受到了这类本我主义的影响,但是它们构成了现代哲学的基本要旨。Various philosophers accepted this solipsism to a greater or lesser degree, but it formed the essential tenor of philosophy in the modern world.

你最多能够将唯我论的思想放入客观真实的大范围下,但你无法将主观真实的观点放在客观真实的框架之下。At best you're able to adopt the mindset of solipsism within the larger context of OR, but you cannot fit the perspective of SR within an OR framework.

要改变这种状况,就要消解教育学知识的抽象性和唯我性,把目光投向更为丰富多彩的教育实践。If we want to change this situation, we should clear up the abstract character and solipsism of pedagogy knowledge and pay attention to richer and more colorful educational practice.