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刚开始,我打算念法律。First, I was pre -law.

很期待明天晚些时候第一场季前赛的到来!Early night 1st game of pre season 2moro!

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这些包括收割前后的检测。This entails pre and post-harvest measures.

一种牌戏死前还是死后有的?其后,没有血。Piquerism. Pre or postmortem ?Post, no blood.

测试前,而应在陂溪运行良好。Tested on Pre but should run on Pixi as well.

它是关于1865年之前的美国文学,It's a class about pre -1865 American literature,

现成的或预先开发的脚本是可取的。Readymade or pre developed scripts are Preferable.

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能够在高压力下和时植物打僵尸智慧树间限制下进行工作。Able to work under high pre ure and time limitation.

马唐,蟋蟀,早熟,冬季阔叶。PRE Crabgrass, Goosegrass, Poa, winter broad leaves.

这出戏上演后,当地报纸评价很低。When the play opened, the local pre gave it the thum down.

体积,压力,温度变化以及催化剂的影响。Effects of Volume, Pre ure, Temperature Changes and Catalysts.

如何预填充表和一些数据存储器德比?How to pre populate Derby in memory with tables and some data?

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导入存储在经过核准的模板中的财务数据。Import financial data stored in already pre approved templates.

并指出了冲击回转挤压成孔钻进方法的适用范围。The use range of the PRE drilling method be bind in this paper.

汇编程序在预汇编时对其求值的一种表达式。An expression that an assembler evaluates at pre -assembly time.

起初,我只在整形手术的术前和术后照相。In the beginning I photographed pre and post surgical protocols.

德东人的国族认同似乎印证此一说法。The terms of pre East German seem in support of this indication.

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超过四分一的香港人患有高血压。More than one in four people in Hong Kong has high blood pre ure.

我知道你们球队打破了上海队的半场紧逼。I knew your team broke through the Shanghai team's half-court pre.

集合并且拆卸预和岗位活动支柱和设备。Assembles and disassembles pre and post activity props and equipment.