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苦土石灰是一种不错的建筑用石灰。Magnesia lime is an ideal lime for construction.

本文通过煅烧菱镁矿制备轻烧氧化镁。Light-burned magnesia is prepared by calcining magnesite.

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镁砂行业的污染主要以烟尘、烟气为主。Dust and smoke is the key pollutants in magnesia industry.

详述了海水与卤水镁砂的特点。The characteristics of sea water and brine magnesia are described.

解酸剂,抗酸剂,防酸剂一种中和酸的物质,如氧化。A substance, such as magnesia or sodium bicarbonate, that neutralizes acid.

这是一种由重烧镁砂制成的混合型低铬镁砖。This is a hybrid magnesia low chromite brick made from dead burned magnesia.

特别是讨论了海水与卤水镁砂之间的区别。The difference of magnesia between sea water and brine is discussed in particular.

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方镁石的水化是轻烧氧化镁膨胀的理论基础。The hydration of periclase in the magnesia is the theoretical basis for its expansion.

研究了废镁铬砖在镁质浇注料中的应用。The application of reused magnesia chrome bricks in magnesia based castable was studied.

分析了普通镁铬砖在水泥窑上使用存在的不足之处。The shortcomings of common magnesia chrome brick used in cement kiln have been analyzed.

制备了一系列亲水型和亲油型的纳米氧化镁粉体。A series of hydrophilic and hydrophobic nanometer magnesia particles have been fabricated.

指出欠烧或过烧菱苦土的采用是造成氯氧镁水泥硬化体胀裂的根本原因。The result shows that the cause of fracturing is under-burning or over-burning of magnesia.

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介绍镁质喷涂料在CSP连铸中间罐上的应用。This paper mainly introduces the application of magnesia coating in tundish for CSP caster.

在不懈的努力中,现在我们开发的强化镁质瓷。With unremitting efforts, the strengthen magnesia ceramics we development is crystal clear.

结果表明,氧化镁可以极大地提高吸收液的脱硫效率。Experiments show that magnesia can greatly improve the removal efficiency of sulfur dioxide.

文章论证了我国海水和卤水镁砂的研究与开发。The research and development of magnesia from sea water and brine in China are demonstrated.

这是我们的顶级尖晶石产品,由高等级的镁砂和预制的镁铝尖晶石烧结而成。This is our top spinel quality, made from burnt high-grade magnesia and prefabricated spinel.

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轻烧氧化镁掺量越大,水泥砂浆的膨胀率越大。The more the magnesia replaces the cement, the greater expansion rate of the cement mortar is.

研究了锆英石微粉对镁质浇注料结构及性能的影响。The effect of zircon micropower on the structure and properties of magnesia castable were studied.

而且,提出了我国海水与卤水镁砂发展意见。Moreover the opinions of the development of magnesia from sea water or brine in China are proposed.