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序列化所牵扯的问题要多一些。The serialization case is a bit more problematic.

进程外调用的序列化开销。Serialization overhead for the out-of-process call.

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串行化会带来一些与安全有关的问题。Serialization brings with it some security concerns.

所有这些与自定义序列化有什么关系呢?What does all of this have to do with custom serialization?

二进制序列化的主要问题就是它的脆弱性。Much of the problem with binary serialization is its brittleness.

一个业务组件可以支持不同类型的系列化。A business component can support different types of serialization.

为数据模型包括一个基于序列化的XML模式。Inclusion of an XML Schema based serialization for its data model.

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它提供了双向工程并且允许XMI模型的串行化。It provides round-trip engineering and allows XMI model serialization.

如果使用模式制导的序列化,则可以避免这类问题。Such problems can be avoided if the serialization is guided by a schema.

保存这个引用是为了加快日后对同一个类的序列化。This reference is kept to speed up future serialization of the same class.

这将更快地实现JSON对象的序列化和反序列化。This will allow faster serialization and de-serialization of JSON objects.

本文将介绍几种测试对象串行化的方法。In this article I demonstrate the various ways to test object serialization.

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使用二进制代码做序列化的问题之一就是你无法去查看结果。One of the problems with binary serialization is you can't look at the result.

通过序列化和反序列化去复制一个单例对象。Copies of a singleton object that has undergone serialization and deserialization.

串行化格式可以说是代码基础中最脆弱、健壮性最差的部分。Serialization formats can be the most fragile and least robust parts of a code base.

定制绑定定义了序列化和逆序列化运行时的行为。The custom binder defines the run time behavior for serialization and deserialization.

但是“由代码开始”并不意味着必须通过直接序列化来暴露数据模型。But start-from-code doesn’t have to mean exposing a data model by direct serialization.

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如果不存在任何自定义属性,则序列化管理器必须返回空集合。The serialization manager must return an empty collection if no custom properties exist.

在服务器上,解析或串行化不会引入替换字符。Substitution characters are not introduced during parsing or serialization on the server.

动态方法可以使得不需要编写自订序列化和还原序列化程式码。Dynamic methods can eliminate the need to write custom serialization and deserialization code.