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这是关于种子的令人着迷的悖论。This is the beguiling paradox of seeds.

这些公司的策略是以一个诱骗性的事实为前提。These firms' strategy was premised on one, beguiling fact.

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结实就是掩饰也就是欺骗的开始。Burliness ' ising to cover up is also a beguiling beginning.

他和羊群混在一起吃草,用这个妙计骗过了牧羊人。He pastured with the flock, beguiling the shepherd by his artifice.

“也许,我是一个贼,一个撒谎者”,他说着带有迷人的意大利口音的法语。"I may be a thief and a liar, " he says in beguiling Italian-accented French.

揉合浓郁的煤烟、清爽的柠檬和青柠、辛辣的胡椒和掺杂玉桂辛香的太妃糖气味。A beguiling mix of peat smoke, tangy lemon and lime, pepper and cinnamon-spiced toffee.

迷人的微笑和鳄鱼皮牛仔靴,构成了特里讨人喜欢的印象。Terry cuts a beguiling figure, with his attractive smile and alligator-skin cowboy boots.

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迷人的微笑和鳄鱼皮牛仔靴,构成了特里讨人喜欢的印象。Terry cuts a beguiling figure, with his attractive smile and alligator -skin cowboy boots.

只要骗人的思想还存在,东史郎日记的作用和意义就不会消失。Only if the beguiling thoughts exist, the significance of Siro Azuma's diary will never fade away.

非常温和的樱桃奶油提取赞成这一轻度混合与逗趣的味道和香味。Extraordinarily gentle cherry creme extracts favor this mild mixture with beguiling taste and flavor.

我不会跟大家去竞争,去消遣这样的方式,我们会用最低的成本结构去推广。I won't compete with everybody, go beguiling such means, we can be popularized with cost structure of lowest.

这样的一个进球一定会让曼联的支持者希望纳尼能够一直具有如此的欺骗性。It was the kind of goal that must have made Manchester United's supporters wish Nani could always be so beguiling.

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清新的酸度为酒香的保持做了保证,在酒体结构上,柔软的丹宁酸维持着樱桃、李子和香料的味道,既充满诱惑,又令人满足。The cherry, plum and spice flavours are supported by soft tannins in a structure as beguiling as it is satisfying.

使您享受到一个出奇柔滑的味道,质感均匀,充满牛油味及芳香。You will enjoy an unusually silky flavor, a full well-balanced body, an almost buttery taste and a beguiling aroma.

对话简单而深刻,叙事结构层层机关,这无疑是刘震伟目前为止最成功的作品。With deep but simple dialogue and a beguiling narrative structure, this is Jeff Lau's most accomplished work to date.

因此,表里不一是厨柜产业所存在的普遍现象,一定程度上,带有欺骗性。Accordingly, duplicity is the common phenomenon that place of hutch ark industry exists, on certain level, contain beguiling sex.

如果她想要的话,我是很乐意和她生很多小孩的,但通常有魅力的女人都有一个习惯,喜欢接拍非常“可怕”的电影。I would happily father her many children if she were to ask, but the beguiling minx has a habit of picking absolutely horrible films.

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同时,我们的文化给予我们些骗人的故事,从传统宗教到资本主义正统都是这样的,这些则巩固了我们的中心性。Meanwhile, our cultures offer us beguiling stories, from traditional religions to capitalistic orthodoxies, that assure our centricity.

为了所有这些投资,我们才坐在这里,沉迷于壮观的电影画面中而不再去嘲笑故事情节——不可否认,这这方面卡梅隆的电影的确让人着迷。For all that, we are here to wallow in the spectacle, not scoff at the story — and in this respect Cameron's film is undeniably beguiling.

他还将会见的欺骗性和可气夫人锡格尼特,歌剧歌手,谁承诺,在未来的活跃和复杂册弗罗斯特的生活。He will also meet the beguiling and exasperating Lady Cygnet, an opera singer, who promises to enliven and complicate Frost's life in future volumes.