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成为社交领袖。Be a gregarious leader.

人类是群居动物。HUMANS are a gregarious lot.

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我今天晚上想找个人说说话。Today I, here, suppose to be gregarious.

克服娇气、孤僻、合群的精神文化。Overcome squeamish eccentric gregarious spirit culture.

蝗虫体内的5-羟色胺越多,它就变得越具有群居性。The more serotonin in a locust's body, the more gregarious it was.

她说,即便是爱好社交的克林顿也来从没有这样经常外出。She said that even the gregarious Clintons never got out this much.

除繁殖、育雏阶段外,麻雀是非常喜欢群居的鸟类。Besides, breeding, brood stage is very like sparrows gregarious birds.

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事实上他们是爱交际的人并且会积极鼓励你变成和他们一样。The fact they are gregarious and positive heartens you to be the same.

约翰是个声音洪亮的大个子,有着平易近人的幽默感和天生的社交魅力。He's a big man with a sonorous voice, earthy humor, and gregarious charm.

这些利用社交媒体的活动引发了一些棘手的问题。These activities that use gregarious medium caused a few a Gordian knots.

除规避人群的隐士及遁世者外,大部分人都是喜好群居的。Except for hermits and recluses, who shun company, most people are gregarious.

除躲避人群的隐士及遁世者外,大部分人都是喜欢群居的。Except for hermits and recluses, who shun company, most people are gregarious.

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群居,两者均为无耳海豹。因其身躯硕大,雄兽鼻粗壮能膨胀,因而得名。Both are gregarious earless seals. The male has an inflatable, trunklike snout.

近一个月时间,社交网站可谓是风生水起。Time of a month, gregarious website it may be said is wind unboiled water rises.

太阳会在你的宫上闪耀,让你处在一个无聊的和乐于交际的心情。The Sun shining on your chart's fun zone puts you in a frivolous and gregarious mood.

带头的是一位交际广泛的保险销售人员,57岁的李正芳。Spearheading the effort was a gregarious insurance saleswoman, Li Zhengfang, 57 years old.

艾是一个爱交际的丹佛人,毕业于哈佛大学,尤其喜欢滑雪和马术。Abrams, a gregarious Denver native and Harvard graduate known to favor ski slopes and rodeos.

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他曾是个乐观合群的孩子,为了提高棒球比赛水平而摄入了类固醇。A cheerful and gregarious boy, Taylor had taken steroids in an effort to improve his baseball game.

童装应着眼于实用性和合群性,衣服要牢固、结实、并作一点点缀。Children should focus on practicability and gregarious and clothes to firmly, strong, and little ornament.

人是一种爱群居的动物,就象牛喜欢沿着山坡的同一条道路吃草一样喜爱共识。Man is a gregarious animal, and enjoys agreement as cows will graze all the same way on the side of a hill.