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我可以兑现这张汇款单吗?Can I have this money order cased ?

那些盗贼在抢劫前窥探了威尔逊的住宅。The thieves cased Wilson's house before the robbery.

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大楼底层的外墙砌上了一层大理石。The lower story of the building was cased with marble.

XMAC在套管井中采用单极全波测量模式。XMAC works with monopole full wave mode in cased hole.

昨天晚上我们观察了那个地方,我们能进去,没问题。We cased the joint last night , we can get in , no problem.

银行在抢劫案发生之前曾被匪徒彻底勘查过。The bank was carefully cased by the bandits before the robbery.

伽马能谱测井可以在裸眼井中测量,也可以在套管井中进行测量。The gamma-spectrometry tool can be run in both an open and cased wells.

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那个浑身穿着钢衣铁甲的人在马上已经度过了整整几天几夜了。The man, cased in steel, had passed whole days and nights in the saddle.

我哥哥天天沉迷在游戏中,已经花掉他很多钱了。My brother abandoned the game day by day, which cased him too much money.

引导倒角容易装入滚针轴承和装配时对密封唇的保护。The boot corner is used as a safeguard to hermetic seal and make cased inner ring easy.

对套管井中的落鱼施加一个非常大的张力时所用的打捞工具。A fishing tool that is used in cased holes to exert a very high tensile force on a fish.

城墙用铜包裹,城墙上的了望塔则以黄铜铸顶。The walls are cased with copper, and the watch-towers on the walls are roofed with brass.

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每一个显示屏都捕捉到了令人难以置信的景象,看着辉煌的亮光和神奇的色彩,亚当斯开怀地笑了起来。Each one show cased a galaxy of brilliant lights and amazing colors.He laughed in delight.

结果应用以颈横血管为蒂上斜方肌皮瓣即刻整复颊部缺损16例,全部成功,获得满意效果。Result STM with vascular pedicle used to repaired 5 cased of the buccal defect immediately.

是一个紧凑格式的复合词,应将其视为一个单词并相应地确定大小写。Is a closed-form compound word that should be treated as a single word and cased accordingly.

比如说,大家都知道麻烦缠身的年轻女星林赛·罗翰用一部涂成红色或加了红色外壳的黑莓Curve手机。For example, troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan is known to use a red painted or cased BlackBerry Curve.

袖珍左轮手枪,28口径,马萨诸塞州武器公司。Cased Pocket Revolver, . 28 Caliber, Massachusetts Arms Co. , Massachusetts Arms Co. , Chicopee Falls, MA.

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生产封隔器或者测试封隔器可能下入下套管的井段,而膨胀式封隔器可以在裸眼井段使用,也可以在下套管井段使用。Production or test packers may be set in cased holes and inflatable packers are used in open or cased holes.

一般精装书籍均假定为空背,不用特别说明。参阅书背。Hollow back The normal cased book is a hollow back but this is assumed and therefore not specified. See Back.

最后给出了单极子和偶极子声源仪器在裸眼井和套管井中的计算实例。Numerical examples of array sonic tools with monopole and dipole sources in open and cased holes are presented.