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行动党莲花苑社区中心开幕了!DAP Teratai Community Centre is now Open!

莲花苑社区中心春节团拜。Open house of DAP Teratai Community Centre.

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戴着白色头巾的马来人身穿行动党T恤。Malays in white skull caps wear DAP T-shirts.

这项聚会主要宣布沙巴行动党古达支部的成立。This occasion marks the launching of the Kudat DAP branch.

沙巴民主行动党提醒巴都沙比市民必须要投票支持民联。Sabah DAP reminds the people of Batu Sapi to vote for Pakatan Rakyat.

该官员补充说,DAP将建立一个框架,以达到增强国防和战略的合作。The DAP will set up a framework to increase defense and strategic cooperation.

因此越来越多的青年人要加入沙行动党青年团。Therefore more and more young people wanted to join Sabah DAP Kota Kinabalu Youth.

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每天轻拍于脸上,体会清新、滋润的快乐。Everyday dap it in your face, experience the pleasure of refreshing and moistening.

美里支部主席房保德和卑尔骚主席主席张李树一行人访弄拉玛和附近长屋。DAP MIRI chairman Fong and Piasau chairman visit Long Lama and the nearby long houses.

笑声再次响起。戴普有了满满一屋子的朋友,受过惊吓的孩子很容易被收买。They laughed again. Dap had a room full of friends, Frightened children are so easy to win.

他说他们的参与将会胜任,也必定会加强沙巴民主行动党的组织。Hiew said their appointment will definitely strengthen the organization of the DAP in Sabah.

沙巴民主行动党于周末在纳闽联邦直辖区进行新选民登记活动。Sabah DAP is in the FT Labuan for the weekends to register new voters. Sabah DAP Chief YB Dr.

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公司主营业务为磷酸二铵的生产和销售,还有少量的复合肥。Company's main business is production and sales of DAP , as well as small amounts of fertilizer.

贵州宏福磷酸二铵品牌已成为国产第一品牌,从产量和市场占有率上都在快速上升。The capacity and market share of DAP for Guizhou Hongfu General Company is growing fast in China.

行动党主席和著名律师卡巴星,也成了巫统暴徒的受害者。DAP Chairman and prominent lawyer, Karpal Singh, has also fallen prey to UMNO's political thuggery.

沙巴民联的沙民主行动党,公正党和回教党的竞举团队兼合作伙伴已经开始其补选拜票活动。The Sabah DAP campaign team with the partners in PKR and PAS had made a head start in its campaign.

一些1800多人出席了晚宴,活动由巴生首页,斯里兰卡和槟榔路巴刹磷酸二铵分行。Some 1,800 people attended the dinner organised by the Klang Utama, Sri Pinang and Jalan Pasar DAP branches.

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行动党基本设施局主席李金星很高兴地看到该处被清理干净。The DAP Bureau Chief John Lee Kim Seng is happy to see that this drain is clean and water is flowing finally.

沙行动党认为,陈女士没有理由撒谎,并且据了解她的案件被转到吉隆坡处理。Sabah DAP feels that Madam Tan has no reason to lie that she was asked to refer to Kuala Lumpur about her case.

另一部分沉出淤渣的清澈磷酸经浓缩后再中和制磷酸二铵。Another part of limpid phosphoric acid after removing subsiding sludge was concentrated and neutralized to produce granular DAP.