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心理分析与禅理外泄。Psychological analysis and Buddhism.

一个答案是心理距离。One answer is psychological distance.

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这棵苹果树心理平衡了。Psychological balance of the apple tree.

只要心态平衡。As long as the psychological equilibrium.

但停顿只是一种心理错觉而已But the pause is a psychological illusion.

怎样解决心理的阴暗面?How to solve psychological the seamy side?

那是较高层级的精神质量。It is a higher order psychological quality.

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我们甚至提供一些心理治疗。We even offered some psychological therapy.

这种“恐惧”是一种心理障碍。The intimidation is a psychological barrier.

或许是他们心理作用吧。Maybe because of their psychological actions.

他这样做对我的心理伤害很大。He's doing massive psychological damage to me.

心理免疫系统会变得更强。Psychological immune system will become stronger.

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什么叫心理危机干预措施。What calls psychological crisis interpose measure.

但是我们经常如此对待心理伤害。But we are often treated with psychological damage.

但是,法洛斯的主要论点是心理上的。Fallows's main argument, though, was psychological.

然而,Fallows的主要论点还是国民心理方面的。Fallows’s main argument, though, was psychological.

美国心理学会前任主席Former president, American Psychological Association

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深睡眠还有心理学上的益处。There are also psychological benefits of deep sleep.

心理环境?哲学环境?政治环境?Is it a psychological one? Is it a philosophical one?

曾是美国心理学会主席。Was the American Psychological Association President.