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像银河中闪烁的星光点点。And twinkle on the milky way.

我们所在的银河系以及我们的紧邻仙女座星系都属于涡旋状星系,而银河系又是一个棒旋星系。The Milky Way is a barred spiral.

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丰腴的波浪流淌成光年,那杳渺的蓝色。Flows out as the waves of Milky years.

银河就是被剥掉的皮。The Milky Way is the edge of this peel.

比尔在白茫茫的河水里一摇一晃地走着。Bill staggered on through the milky water.

她的脸色一片蜡黄。Her face had turned a milky yellow colour.

球状星团曾经统治着银河系。Globular clusters once ruled the Milky Way.

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体腔液为乳白液体。The coelomic fluid is a milky white liquid.

银河系外的有些星体其光度超过太阳。Some stars out of Milky Way outblaze the sun.

他们用金子把米可买了回来。They used their gold to buy Milky back again.

牛郎即使不来,银河依旧闪烁。Gigolo even not come, Milky Way still flicker.

那一团模糊的银白星云就是银河系的所在了。A faint silvery vapour stood for the Milky Way.

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他抿了一口啤酒望着天上的银河。He sips his beer and gazes up at the Milky Way.

我们直接面对银河系的旋涡。We look face-on directly at the Milky Way spiral.

朝远处我们的银河系里的家的方向看。We look toward our distant home in the Milky Way.

那三颗大钉般的恒星位于我们自己的银河系。The three spiky stars are in our own Milky Way galaxy

然而,像银河系这样的星系中,伽马射线爆很少发生。However, GRBs are rare in galaxies like the Milky Way.

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假如风有颜色,冬天的风一定是乳白色的。If the wind has color, the winter wind is milky white.

眼睛呈现出牛奶灰的颜色,走起路来还摇摇晃晃地。Her eyes were still milky gray, and she wobbled slightly.

杰克把米可交给老头儿,然后拿了那些魔豆。Jack gave Milky to the old man, and took the magic beans.