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他是她的情夫。He’s her lover.

或许是爱人。Perhaps a lover.

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你是艺术爱好者?You an art lover?

你的初恋情人?Your first lover?

可我是她的情人吗?But was I her lover?

你是咖啡爱好者么?Are you coffee lover?

他是一个用情不专的人。He is a fickle lover.

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她有没有奸夫?Does she have a lover?

尝试尊重你的爱人。Try it with your lover.

你还是我的情人么?You still my lover Mody?

他和他心爱的人私奔了。He elopes with his lover.

我曾说我是你的守护天使。I said I'd be your lover.

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她终于重遇她的爱人。Finally she met her lover.

他是一个忠贞不渝的爱人。He was the constant lover.

她与情人一同私奔了。She decamped with a lover.

他一定是个爱鸟的人。He musta been a bird lover.

我要杀了我的情夫。I'm going to kill my lover.

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一旦你找到了你的爱人。Once youve found that lover.

她与她的情人私奔了。She ran away with her lover.

科林·斯科特是天秤座的代表。Colin Scott is a Libra lover.