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气压装置和储气装置是连体设计的。The air pressure device and the air storage device are designed conjointly.

当我们认知一个客体时,「主观意识」「辑有效性」共同出现的。In the cognition of an object of sense, both sides are presented conjointly.

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你而今的专业和你在美国的专业的区别是什么?。What's the difference relating to the major now conjointly the major in USA?

每个行星总是在被发现的星座上起作用。Each planet always acts conjointly with the zodiacal sign in which it is found.

解释物体的数量是同样的测量,从它的密度到它的体积。The quantity of matter is the measure of the same, arising from its density and bulk conjointly.

卡罗结合放射肿瘤学相关的医护专业人员的鉴定认可的培训计划。CARO conjointly accredits training programs for radiation oncology related health care professionals.

同一颗行星,作用于相同星座时,总会产生相同的特质,这种影响力越来越多的体现在元素层面上了。The same planet, acting conjointly with the same zodiacal sign, always causes the same specific effects, as much on the elemental plane as on the influential.

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通过与ASA以及供应商和接收方代表的共同检查,在我们的监督下,所有的300袋军已经从集装箱中卸下,细节如下。Check tallying carried out conjointly with ASA, representative of supplier and receiver. All 300 bags were discharged from containers under our supervision. Details as.

所研究的是一个多腔相连的多进口、多出口流动与传热问题,在研究中采用了流体域和固体域整体建模耦合计算的方法。In this study, the computational grids in both fluid domain and solid domain were established together, the heat transfer between the two domains was calculated conjointly.

在这个例子中,女人身份和合法的皇家血统,各自是公主身份的必要条件,合起来就构成公主身份的充分条件。In the preceding example, womanhood and the right royal lineage are each individually necessary conditions for princesshood and conjointly they comprise a sufficient condition for princesshood.