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光定价格不讲价。That's a fix price no bargaining.

这是一个强有力的谈判利器。It was a powerful bargaining tool.

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我没料到会有什么麻烦事。I wasn't bargaining on any trouble.

他们和他们的邻居磋商。They are bargaining withtheir neighbours.

她在市场上为买商品讨价还价。She was bargaining about the goods in the market.

寡妇在立嗣时多伴有相关的经济补偿行为。The widows had some interrelated bargaining action.

同性恋男子发现,自己的议价能力往往更弱。Gay men often find they have weaker bargaining power.

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他便又忙着和他们讲价钱。So dad was busy bargaining with them about the price.

找一种可以网上支付的,将之用于讨价还价。Find an offer online and use it as a bargaining wedge.

但是他们反对对限制劳资双方谈判的努力。But they oppose efforts to limit collective bargaining.

不过最终这些评价都是你讨价还价的杠杠。It's going to give you bargaining leverage, ultimately.

这种推断让中国有了巨大的议价能力。That calculation gives China enormous bargaining power.

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她要买那农民的蔬菜,站着和他讲价钱。She stood bargaining with the farmer for his vegetables.

游客们正在和那人讲价钱。The tourists were bargaining with the man about the price.

妇女们与商人就那笔房地产的交易讨价还价。The women are bargaining with the dealers for the property.

可能讨价还价中也包含了交换位子。Perhaps the bargaining might also have involved swapping seats?

第五个可以用来议价的筹码是改变原订的付款日期。A fifth bargaining chip could be to alter the schedule of payments.

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无论规模大小,讨价还价都是我们生活中的一个核心组成部分。Big-scale or small-scale, bargaining is a central part of our lives.

你跟米商砍价的时候,有没有想过农民的待遇?Have you ever think of farmers when bargaining with rice merchants ?

港大在与教授议价的能力较高。The bargaining power of HKU in determining the terms will be larger.