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1937年的这段历史为我们提供了一个可引以为戒的例子。The 1937 episode provides a cautionary tale.

安德森的具有警示性的故事。This is the cautionary tale of jimmy anderson.

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最近发生的一些引人瞩目的崩溃应当敲起警钟。Some notable recent collapses offer cautionary tales.

森“案的意见里,还有一些告诫性的信号。But there were also cautionary signals in the Hynson opinion.

对每种技巧,要注意警诫性的陈述。Pay close attention to the cautionary statements for each trick.

夏明德、曼素恩、韩起澜的研究也涵盖了这样警戒信息。The works of Bell, Mann, and Honig also contain a cautionary message.

书的副标题是“美国国际集团自毁警示录”。The book's subtitle is "A Cautionary Tale of AIG's Corporate ­Suicide."

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他的生命历程,某一部分是作为警戒故事从坐着马尔科姆·格兰维尔说出的。He lives on, in part, as a cautionary tale told by author Malcolm Gladwell.

如果你的公司现在正处于并购的阵痛期,那么这个故事可以成为你的警世寓言。It's a cautionary tale for anyone whose company is now in the throes of a merger.

这周独立发表的两篇研究成果为维他命吞食者提出了警告。Two separate studies published this week sound a cautionary note for vitamin gobblers.

同时,阿尔弗雷德告诉我无论走到那里,总有人对他们发出相同的告诫。Meanwhile, Alfonso told how the same cautionary warnings had echoed wherever they went.

墨西哥国家石油公司,这个岌岌可危的国有石油垄断企业,就总被批评为这方面的反面典型。Pemex, Mexico's creaking state-owned oil monopoly, is sometimes cited as a cautionary tale.

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不过,这个意在警世的故事,一些读者解读为作者怪罪受害者。But what was intended as a cautionary tale was taken by some readers as blaming the victims.

在某种程度上,这算得上是一个警示事件,因为我们也差点陷入其中。To some degree, this is really a cautionary tale, as we almost fell for this story ourselves.

1978年诺贝尔文学奖得主以梦幻色彩叙述了以下这则警示性故事,请读读看。Please read the following cautionary tale magically told by the 1978 Nobel Prize winner in literature.

怀特曼说她不反对白宫删掉美国环境保护委员会科学家的警告性的词语。Whiteman says that she did not object when the White House edited out cautionary notes by EPA scientists.

这则具有警示意义故事虽已盖棺定论,但在某种程度上,它已对众多普通人产生了深远的影响。That cautionary tale has settled, to one degree or another, in the minds of ordinary citizens far and wide.

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关于依赖同质食物源的极大危险,有一个围绕马铃薯的警示故事。One cautionary tale about the perils of relying on a homogenous food source revolves around the humble potato.

毫无疑问,当诸如此类的事情发生时,哪怕消费者本来会需要很多,但警惕原则会先入为主。“Consumers, doubtless, when they hear about something like this, the cautionary principle kicks in, ” he said.

迪拜就像冰岛一样,沦为经济增长过快过于片面的警示范例。Just like Iceland, Dubai is a cautionary tale of what happens when an economy grows too fast and too lopsidedly.