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我们相信因果关系只是我们头脑中的习惯。Our belied on causation is just our habit in mind.

过去Walgren过失犯罪和因果关系。Walgren goes over criminal negligence and causation.

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毕竟,相关性不等于因果关系。Correlation, after all, does not necessarily imply causation.

当然,这项调查所发现的结果只能证明关联性而非因果性。Of course this study finding shows correlation not causation.

争夺单于继承权的斗争直接导致了匈奴的分裂。The direct causation is the fighting for the Chanyu's heirdom.

我们认为那种情况唯一可以推断的便是因果关系。We think that the only ground of such an inference is causation.

首先,动作结构和致使结构重合。First, action structures are conflated with causation structures.

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此外,因果关系的问题可以提得更尖锐。Furthermore, the question of causation could be put far more sharply.

因果关系知识是常识推理的一个重要部分。Knowledge of causation is an important part of commonsense reasoning.

原因的错觉,我们经常很快的假设事情发生的前因后果。the illusion of cause, we quickly assume correlation means causation.

很明显关联和原因是两回事。The obvious point is that correlation is not the same thing as causation.

我们应该根据某物对另一物体的撞击来理解因果关系。We should understand causation in terms of one thing bashing into another.

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只有因果律才能彻底解决逻辑悖论问题。Only the law of causation is the key to solve the problem of logic paradox.

这是限制CO2激光设备的普及和推广应用的重要原因之一。This is one of all causation that CO2-laser equipments are restricted in use.

但是即使这样,我们也倾向我们对因果关系的证据,倾向剩下的相关性。But even so we tend our evidence for causation tends to rest on a correlation.

此外,还包含着因果有报的因果论思想。In addition, it's also include the causal theory of causation has been reported.

要么你的假设为假,要么因果关系有问题。Either your hypothesis is false or there is something fishy about your causation.

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本文旨在探究量子非定域性对因果关系产生的影响。This paper aims to explore the impact of causation from the quantum non-locality.

但是当我们采纳大卫休谟关于因果关系的看法时,其地位还是很不一样的。But if we take David Hume's view of causation then the position is very different.

正如老师从一开始就告诉每个理科生,相关不等同于因果关系。As every science student is taught from the beginning, correlation is not causation.