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陈超顾忌孟菲感受,没有再同意欣儿的恳求。Chen MengFei feeling, no scruple of supplication.

我们应该诉诸和约和卑下的哀求吗?Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication?

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他的目光充满着怜悯沉痛的神情,他正在一心祈祷。His gaze was full of pity, anguish, and supplication.

之后,安萨里提到一段非常长的祈祷词。Then Al-Ghazali mentioned a very long supplication to be recited.

但在术语表中这不一定是必须的。This does not necessarily represent supplication within the glossary.

晴子一再恳求希望田村可以想方法来协助文子。Sunny again TianCun supplication hope son can think method to assist the text.

沉默了一会儿,哈洛尽力在口气中不带有哀求。There's a silence and Harlowe tries to keep the supplication out of his voice.

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卡丁晓得后来找托马斯寻问地址,托马斯回绝了卡丁的恳求。KaDing know later find Thomas asked address, Thomas rebuffed KaDing supplication.

中英文版的祈请颂及我的手书均附呈。Both Chinese and English version of the supplication and my calligraphy of it are attached.

和传统修道院一样,信徒大部分时间是在祈祷和祈愿。Like traditional monasteries, residents spent much of their time in prayer and supplication.

在技术性上,扩声系统恳求具有高的科技含量、可靠性。On the technical, amplification systems supplication with high technology content, reliability.

弟子茶桶以下的提请要我书写〈大海龙王启请颂〉。Disciple Detong requested below that I write the Supplication to the Dragon King in calligraphy.

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我虽有义,也不回答他。只要向那审判我的恳求。Whom, though I were righteous, yet would I not answer, but I would make supplication to my judge.

杰姬向伊梅尔达恳求借车接本人妈妈来参与宴会。Jackie Jackie to borrow the car imelda pick up my mother supplication to participate in the party.

应弟子王浩的提请,我已写了一篇对护法格萨尔王的启请颂。Upon request from disciple Wang Hao I had written a supplication to the Dharma protector King Gesar.

应弟子敬行以下的提请,我已手书了〈除障启请颂〉。As requested by disciple Jing Xing below Supplication for Removal of Hindrance is now in calligraphy.

弟子开心敬造了〈韦陀大菩萨祈请颂〉一文,我已稍做校订。Disciple Kai Xin had composed a Supplication to the Great Bodhisattva Wei Tuo. I had revised it a bit.

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埃利恳求母亲保佑本人能忘掉杰姬,让本人从这份感情里摆脱出来。The mother bless my supplication Evans can forget about Jackie, let oneself from this relationship out.

应一些弟子们的提请,我所造之〝启请陈师早诞颂〞现已书成翰墨。As requested by some disciples my Supplication to Guru Chen for His Speedy Return is in calligraphy now.

我从不久之前所造的礼敬护法关公简轨中取出此启请颂并将之译为英文。I had taken this supplication from the short ritual composed a while ago, and translated it into English.