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已定购新鲜椅垫。Fresh seat cushion on order.

一个大抱枕或者什么?Is it a big cushion or what?

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缸底嵌入式缓冲垫。Floating cap cushion insert I.

想想填得鼓鼓的靠垫。Think of a plumped-up cushion.

将座椅盖移至垫子上。Position seat cover on cushion.

她把沙发垫子拍得鼓鼓的。She plumps up the sofa cushion.

用粗线沿着垫子边绷一圈。Tack the cord around the cushion.

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这个靠垫需要拍松了。The cushion needs to be shaken up.

我为这张沙发做了一个新的靠枕。I made a new cushion for the couch.

从座椅垫移下座椅盖。Separate the cover from the cushion.

你会想用多少钱去买软垫?。How much do you spend on one cushion?

它漂浮于气垫之上。It's floating on its own air cushion.

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类似绒面革的坐垫和最高的颜色。Suede-like cushion and maximum color.

盎格鲁-撒克逊人没有这样的缓冲。The Anglo-Saxons have no such cushion.

猫将身子缩成一团睡在椅垫上。The cat huddled itself on the cushion.

安装靠背的右侧气垫。Install right air cushion for backrest.

她拿起垫子,把它拍松。She took the cushion and plumped it up.

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解除敌对国之间缓冲区域的军事管制。The bush acted as a cushion to my fall.

安装座位衬垫外侧饰板盖。Install seat cushion outboard trim cover.

她把垫子绣上了花。She embroidered the cushion with flowers.