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建设资源节约型社会是当前极为迫切的任务。Building resource-conserving society is an exigent mission.

扩建堆填区不能够解决这个急切问题,对吗?Extending landfills CANNOT solve this exigent problem, do you ageree?

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性的真理是迫切性的,我们最好无论怎麽满足它,也不过份。Sexual truth is exigent and it is better to satisfy it a little bit more than not enough.

基础音乐课程的改革使音乐教师教育的改革迫在眉睫。The reform of the basic music course made the reform of music teachers' training exigent.

解读目前紧张的医患关系是一个迫切的社会课题。To explain the current tense physician-patient relationship is an exigent social problem.

让传统军务信息化,已经成为了一个迫切需要实现的目标。Making tradition military affair informational, it is aim which exigent require implement.

对振荡频率和温度有较高要求的实验室各项研究之用。It is applicable to exigent sharking fluctuation and temper test and research in the laboratory.

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因此研究网络环境下,学生自主学习网络课程成了一个非常迫切的问题。So that students learn internet curriculum in internet environment become a very exigent problem we study.

随着我国老龄化趋势的加快,解决老人的居住问题迫在眉睫。With the increase of aging population, how to solve the question of senior's inhabitation is very exigent.

建设资源节约型社会是国民经济发展的一项长远战略方针,也是当前极为迫切的任务。Building resource-conserving society is a strategic policy for economic development and an exigent mission.

地基云自动化观测是当前气象业务发展的迫切需求。The automatic ground-based observation of cloud is an exigent requirement for the current meteorology operation.

零件之间的接触与配合问题在内燃机零件强度和可靠性设计中是一个迫切需要解决的重要问题。The contact and fitting between the engine parts are exigent problems in the design of intensity and reliability.

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选钞工作越来越成为金融系统的负担,国内对自动化选钞机的需求极为迫切。The work of bills classification becomes a burden in finance system. So the domestic demand of bill sorter is very exigent.

帮助初任教师有效地解决这些问题,使其迅速进入教师角色显得迫切而意义重大。So it's exigent and important to help beginning teachers solve these problems, and make them play the role of teacher rapidly.

对雷管、炸药等民爆产品的进行严格监控管理,减少甚至杜绝雷管、炸药等民爆产品的流失成为社会的迫切需要。It's exigent to monitor and supervise civil explosive products such as detonator and dynamite to reduce, even stop losing them.

数控机床的生产厂家为了生存和发展的需要,对可靠性的预测也提出了迫切的要求。For their the survial and development, many CNC plants advance the exigent requirements on reliability prediction of CNC machines.

基于制图综合知识的空间数据检查是GIS和制图综合中迫切需要研究的问题。Spatial data checking with generalization knowledge is an exigent problem to be researched in GIS and cartographic generalization.

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通过科学的技术手段改造林相,提高森林的综合效益势在必行。To increase the overall efficiency of the forest, it is exigent of transforming the forest according to the science and technology.

针对板栗生产实际情况,加强栗林土壤管理非常迫切。Based on the practice of chestnut production, it is very exigent and significant to intensify the soil management of chestnut forest.

虚拟仪器产品的丰富与发展,使得虚拟仪器的网上传输成为仪器发展迫切需求。With the abundance and development , the transmission of virtual instrument on Internet become the exigent need in the field of instrument.