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把那个方凳拿来。Bring me that stool.

我回到丁我的矮凳上。I returned to my stool.

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请先去查一下大便。Please go and take a stool test.

圆凳是跳蚤市场上淘的。the stool was a flea market find.

呕吐物含血或大便带血。E. Bleed mixed with vomit or stool.

他抬身坐上了一张高凳子。He hoisted himself onto a high stool.

她拉过一把凳子来。She pulled the stool over on herself.

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我已经排了三次黑便了。I have passed black stool three times.

他在黑暗中撞上丁一只凳子。In the cark he ran up against a stool.

我们想给她检查一下大便。We would like have her stool examined.

凳子就是既没有靠背又没有扶手的椅子。A stool is a backless and armless seat.

她颤颤巍巍地坐在一张又高又窄的凳子上。She was perched on a tall narrow stool.

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侏儒晃回了营地的木凳上。The dwarf rocked back on the camp stool.

小凳上半部分可以360度旋转。The top part of this stool rotates 360o.

牛粪是农牧民最佳的燃料。Cow stool is the best fuel for shepherds.

你的大便里有血或粘液吗?Be there any blood or mucus in your stool?

如果我的宝宝吃母乳,他的大便会是什么样的?If I breast-fed baby, he's like the stool?

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未吸收的脂肪会通过大便排出。Unabsorbed fat is eliminated in the stool.

可能要医瞩开大便软化剂或泻药。A stool softener or laxative may be ordered.

有人推一个凳子过来,让我坐下。Someone pushed a stool at me and I sat down.