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你兴许会问。You may ask.

也许他爱绫卿。He may love LQ.

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但它或许会表现良好。It may do well.

我可以遇见他们。I may meet them.

我能用一下你的吗?May I use yours?

这可能是个线索。It may be a clue.

我不可以吗,艾伦?May I not, Ellen?

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我现在可以吸地吗?。May I vacuum now?

我可以看车吗?May I see the car?

我可以试戴吗?May I try them on?

今天是蒲月两十一号。Today is May 21st.

他是五月份出生的。He was born in May.

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“五四”是青年节。May 4 is Youth Day.

我可以借支笔吗?May I borrow a pen?

可以给我一把小匙吗?。May I have a spoon?

我们可以使用优待券。We may use coupons.

这个男孩会是谁呢?Who may the boy be?

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你可能畏惧它们。You may dread them.

良心会来敦促。Consciences may nag.

2010年5月,中国香港。Hong-Kong. May 2010.