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那时候,那个人想让她安乐死。and want to euthanize her, you know, kill.

所以他想让她安乐死。so he wanted to pretty much euthanize her.

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对不要的宠物进行安乐死,令他老婆很恶心。To euthanize unwanted pets has made his wife sick to her stomach.

一个动物收容所正恐吓说,如果它的主人没有回来就将它至于安乐死。An animal shelter was threatening to euthanize it if his owner did not come back.

我们喜爱动物,但每年我们会对500万只被遗弃的猫和狗实施安乐死。We love animals, yet we euthanize five million abandoned cats and dogs each year.

动物收容所对多余的宠物实行安乐死,那面对过剩的人口我们怎么办呢?Animal shelters euthanize surplus numbers of pets, what will we do with excess people?

这个令人心碎的网站与全美国一百二十个有实行安乐死的收容所合作。This heartbreaking website works with 120 shelters all over the US that put dogs to euthanize.

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在病毒爆发之后,没有任何收容所愿意收留这些狗,所以进行安乐死就成了最后的决定。No shelters would take the dogs because of the outbreak, so the decision was made to euthanize them.

一些私人经营的动物医院也对一些患有重病或者年老力衰的家养宠物实施静脉注射安乐死。Private-practice animal hospitals also use sodium pentobarbital to euthanize sick and old family pets.

由于詹妮胃部肿瘤无法实行手术治疗,动物园的官员决定于周四晚对詹妮进行安乐死。Zoo officials decided to euthanize Jenny on Thursday night because of an inoperable tumor in her stomach.

奥巴马是肯尼亚出生的纳粹穆斯林,他想把老人们都送进集中营,并对他们处以安乐死。Obama is a Kenyan-born Nazi Muslim planning to euthanize seniors while putting them in concentration camps.

罗伯特亲手让众多黑猩猩长眠,这种痛苦快要把他压垮了。于是他把这只小黑猩猩交给威尔处置,任凭他将之安乐死或者带回家抚养。Robert's had enough of putting chimps to sleep and leaves the baby in Will's care to either euthanize or take home.

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她决定不给她生命垂危的猫安乐死,因为她想她的小女儿会承受不了。Learn Mandarin Chinese – How to say – She decided not to euthanize her dying cat because she thought her little daughter could not bear it.

现在,美国已经有4个州——科罗拉多州、佐治亚州、印地安纳州和内布拉斯加州要求对给动物实施注射安乐死的工作人员进行特殊的技能培训。Currently four states—Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, and Nebraska—require special training for workers who use lethal injection to euthanize animals.

埃利斯的情况是,他请求妹妹在他死后给自己的两岁约克郡犬实行安乐死,因为“没有人比他更爱他的狗。”That was the case with Ellis, who asked his sister to euthanize his 2-year-old Yorkshire terrier after his death because “nobody would love him like he did.”

现在,美国大部分私人及城市的动物收容所采用静脉注射巴比妥钠盐的方法对动物实施安乐死。Today most private and city animal shelters euthanize animals with sodium pentobarbital, a controlled substance that is injected into one of a dog or cat's veins.

对于姓威基伍的人来说,关心所有低人一等的事物几乎就是一个宗教信条,他们告诉小达尔文说,在把蚯蚓穿在鱼钩上前,需要把它泡在盐水里使它安乐死。Concern for all things lowly was almost an article of faith for the Wedgwood cousins, who taught young Darwin to euthanize earthworms in brine before impaling them on a fishhook.