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看来我刚才在白白地使您痛苦。I seem to have been distressing you for nothing.

这样浪费粮食令人痛心。It is distressing to see food being wasted like this.

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你所拍摄的最令人痛苦纠结的照片是什么?What were the most distressing photos you had to take?

轻微令人不安的给出了这样的运动鞋一个破旧的上诉。Slight distressing gives this sneaker a worn-in appeal.

“宝宝不规律的睡眠让父母苦恼,”Lampl说道。"Sleep irregularities can be distressing to parents," said Lampl.

不过,对于她来说,小野发现这一绰号决不她痛心。For her part, though, Ono found the epithet less than distressing.

镇静剂有助于缓解焦虑所带来的不安症状。Tranquillizers help alleviate the distressing symptoms of anxiety.

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未婚同居产生了一系列令人担忧的后果。Co-habitation prior to marriage may exert a series of distressing effects.

你来是因为需要我的帮助,去拯救一位非常悲伤的少女?Have you come because you need my help to save a certain distressing damsel?

月光下,他的脸色苍白,有着难以言表的沮丧。His face in the moonlight showed a pallor and fixity inexpressibly distressing.

无论你如何称呼它们,痤疮都代表了持续的痛苦和烦恼。No matter what you call them, acne can be distressing and annoyingly persistent.

每一种感觉,每一个痛苦悲伤的想法,每一次紧张——冲刷它们让它们浮起来并漂走。Each feeling, each distressing thought, each tension – flood them all to overflowing.

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英台,别伤心了,你看,这只蝴蝶翅膀上写着字呢。Yingtai, don't be distressing. Look, there are some words on the wing of this butterfly.

在艰难和忧伤的当下,泰国的全民反省将只会更加艰辛。Difficult and distressing today, Thailand’s national soul-searching will only grow harder.

教我们看到耶稣就在我们的家庭一员中,特别是那些悲伤,烦恼的。Teach us to see Jesus in the members of our family especially in their distressing disguise.

这些历史材料和轶事堆积成了每章里着实让人不爽的部分。These histories and anecdotes make up some of the most distressing sections of each chapter.

此前有科学家将这部分区域与激进的举动和悲伤场景联系起来。Scientists have linked the regions to aggressive action and distressing situations, Zeki said.

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泽克说,此前已有科学家发现这两个区域与攻击行为和痛苦体验有关。Scientists have linked the regions to aggressive action and distressing situations, Zeki said.

想象一下,你正在面对面的向一个朋友叙述一件懊恼的事情。Imagine, for example, that you're telling a friend about a distressing experience face-to-face.

在这样一个痛苦时刻有人给予他安慰和顾,这对他很有意义。It meant a great deal to him to have someone extend comfort and care at such a distressing time.