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他这种精神还是非常可嘉的。He this kind of spirit is very laudable still.

如果Laudable少付点钱我就可以节约更多钱了。Laudable could save some money by paying me less.

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这还有一条很长的路要走,但它是一个值得拥抱的梦想。This is a long way off, but it is a laudable dream.

真的很佩服日本人的团队精神。The team spirit of the Japeanese is laudable really.

这是本届政府最值得嘉许的行动之一。this is one of the Administration's most laudable endeavors.

通过这一值得称赞的努力,可口可乐已取得非同寻常的成功。In this laudable endeavor, Coca-Cola has been uncommonly successful.

尽管这两位作者或许值得称赞。但他们谁都不会自命为大作家。Laudable though both may be, neither would claim to be a Great Writer.

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对任何项目来说,值得称赞的一点就是拥有可以轻松进行重构的代码库。A laudable goal for any project is a code base that is easy to refactor.

他的值得赞扬的工作是关于全球变暖这一极为重要问题的紧迫讯息。His laudable project is an urgent message on the vital issue of global warming.

这种正当和值得赞赏的努力就是诚实谋利的正确途径。Such laudable and honorable strivings are the only real ways to make profit honestly.

脆弱不堪的出版界持续地提高访问等级,这是值得褒奖的。The level of access that the venerable publication has continued to provide has been laudable.

在另一关键领域,即在对检举者的保护方面,奥巴马的记录却并不那么值得称赞。But his record on whistle-blower protection, another key area of concern, has been less laudable.

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乔克认为这是一个“可笑的目标”,并指出这些政策在当前的危机中并没有很好的起到作用。That's a "laudable goal, " says Gyourko, but it hasn't worked well, pointing to the current crisis.

他们的许多社会政策被毛派形容为一场抵制“封建主义”的战争,也受到了广泛的欢迎。Many of their social policies, which the Maoists describe as a war against “feudalism”, are also laudable.

虽然,崇拜作为一种值得赞赏的反应,相比于更实在的良性嫉妒,却并不足以激励我们。Admiration, though, while a laudable reaction, is less likely to spur us on than a solid dose of benign envy.

肯梦在环保问题上有些令人称道的姿态,能帮助人们买它的产品时感觉好些。They have some environmental stances that are laudable which may help make you feel better about buying them.

“雅力”企业值得称道。“雅力”品牌值得信赖。“雅力”产品值得拥有。“雅力”服务值得分享。"Ya Li"laudable enterprise. "Ya Li" trusted brand. "Ya Li" product worth having. "Ya Li" service worth sharing.

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促进引导产业自身追求更高道德水平的做法,是值得称赞与欢迎的。Efforts at industry self-government directed toward higher ethical standards are, of course, laudable and welcome.

此外,他们那夸张的感情主义,有时会对他们最值得称赞的一些目标构成嘲讽。Furthermore, their exaggerated emotionalism occasionally made a mockery of some of their most laudable intentions.

要是说在家里做些滑稽的举动可以获得包涵,但在表面这样做的话他人就会感受并不值得传颂了。Doing silly things at home are excusable but doing them outside where there are other people isn't really that laudable.