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上述措施可防止出现肘内翻或外翻畸形。These measures would prevent the cubitus varus or valgus deformity.

比较研究正常足和外翻足横弓的形态,探讨横弓在外翻发生发展中的作用。To study the role of the transverse arch in the pathogensis of hallux valgus.

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缺钙是引起孩子的肋骨外翻的其中一个原因。Calcium deficiency is caused by your baby's ribs valgus one of the reasons why.

她们可能患锤状趾、拇外翻及跟腱损坏。They may be suffering from hammer-toe, hallux valgus and Achilles tendon damage.

目的探讨小切口微创治疗外翻的有效方法。Objective To explore an effective micro-trauma technic with small incision for hallux valgus.

随访过程中未出现骨折不愈合、迟缓愈合或肘关节内、外翻等并发症的发生。In our follow-up, we hadn't found nonunion, delayed healing, cubitus varus or valgus and so on.

固定拇趾于正确位置,适合拇趾外翻人士使用。Splint keeps big toe aligned and held in place with Velcro. Best for people with hallux valgus.

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结论改良微创手术方法治疗外翻,方法简便,创伤小,可以推广应用。Conclusion Miniinvasive therapy of hallux valgus is an ideal method because it is safe and convenient.

目的探索外翻膝人工全膝关节置换入路与软组织平衡的新技术。Objective To explore a new approach giving soft tissue balance in valgus knee during total knee arthroplasty.

结论外翻是一种复杂的以第一跖列畸形为主要表现的足?。Conclusion Hallux valgus is a three dimensional deformity, which will disturb the normal biomechanics of the foot.

胫骨高位截骨可以减轻膝内侧胫股关节的接触应力,这可能是治疗膝内翻内侧间室骨关节炎的机制之一。Valgus high tibial osteotomy is an effective treatment for medial gonarthrosis, which may be one of its mechanisms.

对年龄较轻的轻、中度?母外翻患者手术应尽量不必干扰?母内收肌和籽骨也可达到矫形的目的。The adductor hallucis or the sesamoid is not necessarily interfered in patients with slight or moderate hallux valgus.

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目的探讨外翻的病理、发病机制、分型以及手术方式的选择。Objective To study the pathology, pathogenesis, classification and the selection of surgical procedure of hallux valgus.

本文就是研究以转子下外翻切骨术来治疗股骨近端骨折不愈合的结果。This study investigated the results of nonunion of proximal femoral fractures treated with a subtrochanteric valgus osteotomy.

延迟性尺神经病变已经被报道和儿童肱骨骨折的内翻或外翻畸形愈合相关。Delayed ulnar neuropathies have also been described in association with varus or valgus malunion of humeral fractures in children.

跖骨颈斜行截骨内翻嵌插固定可三维立体矫正母外翻畸形,是治疗疼痛性母外翻畸形的良好选择。Hallux valgus can be corrected in three-dimension by the technique of first metatarsal neck osteotomy and inverted impaction fixation.

本文报道儿麻后遗髋关节半脱位和髋外翻畸形14例,男性5例,女性9例。Among 14 cases of subluxation of the hip and coxa valgus caused by poliomyelitic paralysis, 5 cases were males and 9 cases were females.

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脚后部应该正常对齐,而脚踝或距下关节疾病都可导致足内翻或外翻。There should be normal alignment of the hind foot, and disease of the ankle or subtalar joint may lead to a varus or a valgus deformity.

查看脚前端脚趾甲是否变化以及是否有皮疹。查看脚趾是否对齐,以及是否存在大脚拇趾外翻的情况。In the forefoot, look for nail changes and skin rashes. Look for the alignment of the toes, and any evidence of hallux valgus of the big toe.

股骨粗隆间外翻截骨术可能能增加合并以上不利因素的股骨颈骨折愈合的可能性。Valgus intertrochanteric osteotomy may increase the healing potential of femoral neck fractures in the presence of those detrimental factors.