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数码梵高星空图,巴黎,法国。Digitally changed Van Gogh, Paris, France.

电脑程序也可以用数字手段将人的面孔平均化。A computer program can also digitally average human faces.

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在车上,杰克将他从枪手身上切下来的那个拇指贴在扫描仪上,然后将指纹发送给技术部。From his car, Jack digitally sends the thumbprint to a tech.

并且有用作远距离诊断的数码设备。And then there's distance diagnosis, which is digitally done.

当他回到家时,全部都得进行数字化清除。When he gets home, everything gets digitally wiped and cleaned.

申请可于网上递交,并必须以數码形式签署。Application may be submitted on-line and must be digitally signed.

申请可以电子表格递交,但须加上數码签署。Application may be submitted bye-form and must be digitally signed.

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高速,数字调整为笔记本电脑CPU降压控制器。High-speed, digitally adjusted step-down controller for notebook CPUs.

我们对世界观正在被数字化记忆所覆盖。They are being digitally remembered with our world view overlaid on top.

同样的,该语法封拆数据的部分数据位能够用来表示被封拆数据。Likewise, one party can digitally sign some previously encapsulated data.

然后我的指纹印就被取走了,经过数码编码后存在了这张智能卡上。Then my finger print was taken, digitally encoded and stored on the card.

两组镜头中出现的任何细微差别都是在后制中使用数字技术修改的。Any small changes in the two shots were fixed digitally in post-production.

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流速是描述一个明确的数字使用3位数,7段显示器。The flow rate is digitally depicted using a clear 3-digit, 7-segment display.

由于没有数字标识,无法发送带数字签名的邮件。You cannot send digitally signed messages because you do not have any digital IDs.

而系统的解扰可以由低成本的模拟解扰器完成。Low cost analog decoders can be used to descramble the digitally scrambled signals.

欧莱雅承认他们推出的照片确实经过了电子处理和润色。L'Oreal admitted the photographs it used had been digitally manipulated and retouched.

照片是黑白的,经过电脑处理后被移去了耳朵、头发和脸部斑点。The photos were black and white, and digitally edited to remove ears, hair and blemishes.

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新电影中的大猩猩经过数码技术制作,比原来的更加生动可怕。The giant ape has been recreated digitally and is more life-like and terrifying than ever.

总之要谨慎,不要想当然的认为你在网上发送的信息是百分之百隐私的。Be careful never to assume that anything you send digitally is one hundred percent private.

此数字签名邮件包含有安全标签,所以无法以无用户界面模式打开。This digitally signed email has a security label and so cannot be opened in a UI-less mode.