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我的心病消除了。I was relieved from anxiety.

我激动万分,如释重负。I was thrilled and relieved.

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请放心使用!Please feel relieved the use!

我的头痛已经轻些了。My headache has been relieved.

最后终于以杜孙二人双双解职了事。In the end, both were relieved.

听了这稍息,他们放心了。They were relieved at the news.

我听了今后松一口吻。I am much relieved to hear that.

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我们听到消息后感到欣慰。We are relieved to hear the news.

密密的偷偷摸摸的观察。The thief relieved him of his watch.

是的,我们这麽做真令我松了口气。C. Yes, and I'm relieved that we did.

家长们听到这种论调似乎很感释然。The parents seem relieved to hear it.

像保姆解除她的职责。Like a nursemaid relieved of her duty.

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然而我们应该舒心一点。We should probably be relieved anyway.

这些药片缓解了我的牙痛。These pills have relieved my toothache.

之后,我发现自己大体上是解脱了。After that, I find I am mainly relieved.

葛瑞找到他的猫时松了一口气。Greg was relieved when he found his cat.

我对一点儿非常高兴的并且非常减少。I was chuffed to bits and very relieved.

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山顶上的教堂是一个显著的陆标。The church was relieved against the sky.

这位将军因为违抗命令被解除指挥权。The general was relieved of his command.

高潮过后紧张解除了。After the climax, the tenseness is relieved.