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我的头有点儿发昏。I feel a bit giddy.

那么我头晕了没有呢?And did I feel giddy?

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这是一种相当微醺的感觉。It’s a pretty giddy feeling.

我感觉有点头晕,我应该坐会。I feel giddy , I must sit down.

但是,这景象似乎让他激昂。But this seems to make him giddy.

吃那苹果醋会不会头晕呀?Eat that apple vinegar can giddy ah?

我已经觉得乐陶陶眼花潦乱了,可是我很喜欢呢!I feel giddy already, and I like it.

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她头一晕便倒在地上了。She felt giddy and sank to the ground.

为什么现在我看到电脑就头晕,想吐?Why I see computer is giddy now, keck?

过度的思考让我有点头晕。The very thought of it made me feel giddy.

头晕,想吐的症状是食物中毒吗?。Giddy , is the symptom of keck bromatoxism?

头晕的时候想吐,是什么病的症状?Giddy when keck, the symptom of what disease be?

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醉酒后头晕心慌怎么处理呢?How is giddy palpitate handled after drunk wine?

每次他这样做的时候,我依然心花怒放。I still feel giddy and excited when he does this.

为什么蹲下去站起来的时候会头晕?。When why crouching to stand up is the meeting giddy ?

旅途中如何徒手治头痛头晕?In journey how bare-handed treat have a headache giddy?

泳池里的她肯定因为温顺而显得轻浮。In the pool, she must have been giddy with agreeability.

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去年十月,弥敦道施拉姆是与预期头晕。Last October, Nathan Schram was giddy with anticipation.

人站在高处时为什么会感到头晕?Why can you feel giddy when is person station pinnacled?

为什么每次坐久叻,起来的时候就会头晕?Why to sit every time long Le, when rising, meet giddy ?