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PAX9参与牙本质和釉质的生物矿化过程。PAX9 is involved in the biomineralization process of the dentine and enamel.

结果NS牙面涂料在牙本质表面形成结晶,覆盖乃至堵塞牙本质小管。Results NS paint grew crystal in the dentine surface, occluding dentine tube.

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结论氟离子导入对于牙本质小管有一定封闭作用。Conclusion Fluoride iontophoresis can effectively occlude the dentine tubules.

目的探讨NS牙面涂料对牙本质过敏症的治疗机制。Objective To know the mechanisms of treating dentine hypersensitivity by NS Paint.

涂料综合治疗,探讨激光治疗牙本质过敏症的增效方法。S paints in improving the effectiveness of laser treatment for hypersensitive dentine.

发现于古生代鱼类的鳞片形成覆于齿质结构之上的表面层。Found in the scales of Palaeozoic fishes as a superficial layer over a dentine structure.

当河狸咀嚼时,后面柔软的牙质比前面坚硬的珐琅质,磨损速度要快得多。As the beaver chews, the soft dentine behind wears away much faster than the hard enamel in front.

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它们的上颌已经有牙齿了,所以长牙的必要条件已经具备,如牙釉质、牙本质和其他。“They already had teeth in the upper jaw, so they had the enamel, dentine and other necessities,” he said.

象牙质敏感是当牙齿接触或冷或热的食物所引起的急剧的,短暂的疼痛。Dentine hypersensitivity is a sharp, sudden pain arising from the teeth when exposed to touch or hot and cold foods.

磁性液体是具有强磁性和流动性的液体,充填根管能够渗透到细小侧支根管及牙本质内。The fluid is a strong magnet and movable material, which can permeate through the small lateral root canals and the dentine.

此外氯还会导致一口黄牙,因为酸性物会剥蚀掉釉质,致使后层颜色较深的牙质显露出来。This can result in yellowing teeth – because the acid strips the enamel and starts to reveal darker-coloured dentine underneath.

此外,约百分之三十的城市居民有牙本质敏感问题,而牙齿偏黄和口气问题也不容忽视。In addition, about thirty percent of the city's residents have dentine hypersensitivity, and teeth yellow and tone problem also nots allow to ignore.

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对牙本质表面进行不同处理可以调控其再矿化过程,对晶体的生长方向和表面粗糙度有明显影响。Surface treatment with conditioner at the dentine surface would influence the process of dentine remineralization, at least in the crystal orientation and surface roughness.

结果NS牙面涂料在牙本质表面形成结晶,覆盖乃至堵塞牙本质小管。Results NS paint grew crystal in the dentine surface, occluding dentine tube. Conclusion NS paint could treat dentine hypersensitivity by growing crystal to occlude dentine tube.

口腔黏接材料的发展,经历了从无机材料到有机高分子材料、从黏接牙釉质到黏接牙本质的历程。With the improvement of dental bonding materials, from inorganic materials to organic macromolecule materials, they are used to bond from enamel to dentine and even soft tissues.