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凯利家的后屋怎么样?How about the backroom at kelly's?

教练组成员会带给你非常丰富的信息。There's a wealth of information that your backroom staff will come to you with.

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今天利物浦宣布两名新教练加入梅尔伍德的靴室。Liverpool have today announced two new additions to their backroom team at Melwood.

葡萄牙主帅表示,如果阿布更换他的助手,他将辞职。And the Portuguese chief says he would quit if Abramovich meddled with his backroom team.

有太多很好构思的概念被毫无道理的私下的限制所妥协。Too many well-conceived concepts have been compromised by unjustifiable backroom constraints.

英足总想要一个年轻的教练加入卡佩罗的幕后团队,足总试图培养一个接班人。The FA wants a young English coach to join Capello's backroom team as it attempts to groom a successor.

根据以前的经验,时差会是一个问题,你觉得这个问题很严重吗?On the basis of past experience the backroom staff are concerned about jetlag. Is this a serious problem?

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没关系随时召开教练组会议,他们会提出想商议的一齐事。You can call a backroom meeting at any point and they will bring up any things that they wish to discuss.

没关系随时召开教练组会议,他们会提出想商酌的全面事。You can call a backroom meeting at any point, and they will bring up any things that they wish to discuss.

计画的制定已经被游说与国会内的秘密协商所取代,几乎不会公诸于世。Planning has been replaced by lobbying and backroom deals in Congress that are nearly opaque to the public.

今天,“最高会议筹备人员”返回波恩,为达成应对气候变化全球协议继续进行幕后谈判。The "sherpas" return to Bonn today to continue the backroom negotiations on a global deal to tackle climate change.

当你买入你队员强烈建议签入的雇员,会增加你和建议人的关系。You can strengthen your relationship with a player if you sign the backroom staff member they have highly recommended to you.

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为联合清洁能源研究中心资金问题进行的幕后谈判已经明显表现出了潜在的摩擦。The potential for friction has been evident in backroom negotiations over the funding of a joint clean energy research centre.

首先,当一名教练组员提出提议的时刻,会有一个点击按钮让来采用该见。For a start when one of the backroom staff suests something there is a one click button to say that you want to use the advice.

另外,维基解密开始释放25万美国外交电缆,将世界领袖们的暗箱交易公诸于众。Finally, WikiLeaks began releasing a quarter-million American diplomatic cables, making public the backroom dealings of world leaders.

因为是苹果把“密室程序员”从“限制得多的密墙围起来的操作员花园”中解脱了出来,所以这个公平是“粗糙”的。This is rough justice, as it was Apple that released backroom programmers from the far more restrictive walled gardens of the operators.

如果这位母亲没有这么做,这个孩子会被放在一个小屋的密封房间里,然后他会真正意义上地不见天日。If the mother doesn't actually abandon the child, the child is kept in a backroom in a shack and literally does not see the light of day.

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当看清会议不可能为小发展中国家作出更多修改后,苏丹退出了最终的幕后谈判。Sudan dropped out of the final backroom negotiations when it became clear that little more could be accomplished for small developing countries.

中国通过外交途径强烈抗议和谴责美日私相授受钓鱼岛。China has, through the diplomatic channel, strongly protested against and condemned the backroom deals between the United States and Japan over Diaoyu Dao.

中国通过外交途径强烈抗议和谴责美日私相授受钓鱼岛。China a has, through the diplomatic channel, strongly protested against and condemned the backroom deals between the United States and Japan over Diaoyu Dao.