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坐着威严的天神俄玛。Seated Ema the majestic god.

她恭请我们就座。She invited us to be seated.

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坐着威严的天神俄玛。Seated dEma the majestic god.

他在桌子旁坐了下来。He seated himself at the desk.

她点点头,但仍坐着没动。She nodded, but remained seated.

她请客人在餐桌入席。She seated the guest at the table.

她在一张小餐桌前坐了下来。She seated herself at a small table.

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那天她坐在我右首。She was seated on my right that day.

排泄口上的泵设备是否正确固定?。Is Pump Seated on Discharge Properly?

深蹲,腿举,坐姿划船。Rowing- squat, leg press, seated row.

联盟想要他们坐好别动。The league wants them to stay seated.

你认识坐在那块石头上的那个人吗?Do you know the man seated on that stone?

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键盘应该在肘部的下面。Keyboard should be at seated elbow height.

梅森正在前面破败的石级上坐着。Mason was seated on the broken front steps.

他们向英雄的坐像致敬。They saluted the seated figure of the hero.

坐佛塑像和供奉的鲜花。Seated Buddha statues with flower offerings.

他坐在小杨和小林之间。He was seated between Xiao Yang and Xiao Lin.

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他稳稳当当地坐在最高的树枝中间。He was firmly seated among the highest boughs.

她坐在小杨和小林之伺。She was seated between Xiao Yang and Xiao Lin.

所有的客人都坐在起居室里。All the guests were seated in the sitting-room.