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她颤抖着退缩了。She recoiled with a shudder.

她竭力遏制自己,不打哆嗦。She forced herself not to shudder.

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第二次来的时候,却使我不寒而栗。The second time, it made me shudder.

只要一想到此,就会令人不寒而栗。The very thought of it make one shudder.

影片情节让人心有余悸。Plot of the film makes people shudder at.

鬼魔也信,却是战惊。Even the demons believe that--and shudder.

我颤栗地想着,下一步会发生什么?I shudder to think what might have happened.

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这消息使听众激动得直发抖。The news sent a shudder through the audience.

想起过去,我仍然不寒而粟。I still shudder when I look back upon the past.

一些央行将对该想法感到惊恐。Some central bankers will shudder at the thought.

她的腰至少有二十七寸。我想到就发拦。Her waist must be 27 at the least. I shudder to think.

电视里可怕的场面吓得观众直发抖。The terrifying scene on TV made the audiences shudder.

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当人们听到这些暴力行为时,并不觉得震颤和吃惊。People don't shudder and jump when they hear these things.

像往常一样,他感到一阵哆嗦,甚至有些恶心。As always, the gin made him shudder and even retch slightly.

一滴水自他的脊背留下让他打了个寒战。A trickle of moisture ran down his spine and made him shudder.

当孩子们重复他们所听到我们说的话时,为什么我们会感到不寒而栗呢?Why do we shudder when they repeat the words they have heard us say?

我们站在那里对望着彼此,突如其来地,我感到一阵战栗。As we stood there staring at each other, a shudder passed through me.

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铁锹撞击到坚硬的东西,振动传遍他的脊柱。The spade strikes something hard, sending a shudder through his spine.

能量束从颤抖着的神殿号过载的发生器冲出。The overcharged energy projector sent a shudder through the Incorruptible.

心还是你的心,你在暗地里望着它发抖。Your heart remains with you, you gaze upon it in the gloom with a shudder.