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“自己做事”的工作理念是否真的能帮到你?Is Your Do-It-Yourself Work Ethic Really Helping You?

而最重要的是,她已树立起自己的职业道德。Most importantly, however, her work ethic is grown-up.

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这似乎已经成为了足球界盛行的道德规范了。In football, that does seem to be the prevailing ethic.

清教徒关于勤劳工作和努力存款的道德观仍然要紧。The Puritan ethic of hard work and saving still matters.

你会如何评价韩国学生的职业道德呢?How would you evaluate the work ethic of Korean students?

他们每一个人都可以证明我有勤劳的职业道德,而且坚毅不拔。They can each attest to my hard work ethic and persistence.

最后就是道德品质,这一点非常重要。And finally ethic fiber and this is really, really important.

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孔子是把“仁”作为士君子最根本的道德规范来要求的。Confucius regarded "humanity" as a person's most basic ethic.

美国人的工作观有较强的个体取向性。The American work ethic seems to be more individual oriented.

他们学习的行为准则决定了他们将来能够干得多好。Their work ethic determines how well they will do in the future.

她有雇主们渴望的工作态度和职业道德。She has the kind of attitude and work ethic that employers crave.

这位单身的后卫因在绿茵场上良好的职业道德而被称道。The single defender is known for his hard work ethic on the field.

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我也试着把这个理念传输给其他人,并且向他们证明,And I try to transfer that work ethic and demonstrate it to others

‘工作’这个词占据了主导,而‘道德’被人们遗忘了。The "work" part dominates.One forgets the word "ethic" is in there.

云南石是25个少数民族的大家庭,是中国最具多样性的地区。Yunnan is home to 25 ethic minorities and the most diverse of China.

他们的职业道德和工作作风能否融入公司?Do they have the kind of work ethic and work style which is going to fit?

然后他们问我的职业道德怎么样,还有我参加过的课外活动。and they asked about my work ethic and my extra-curricular activities I did.

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易洛魁的经济结构促进形成了独特的财产观念和职业道德。The structure of the Iroquois economy created a unique property and work ethic.

美国人知道通过重视商业和财富的道德准则他们做的很好。Americans know that they have done well by their pro-business and pro-wealth ethic.

据我所知,他们中的某些人是由于违反了惠普公司的商业道德的原因或者是业绩不佳而被开除的。As I knew, they were fired by HP because of their ethic issue or performance issue.