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非洲人类锥虫病的类型Forms of human African trypanosomiasis

对照小鼠、家兔全部发病死亡。All the control mice and rabbits died of the trypanosomiasis.

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非洲人类锥虫病有两种类型,取决于涉及的寄生虫Human African trypanosomiasis takes two forms, depending on the parasite involved

硝呋替莫被注册用于治疗美洲锥虫病,但未注册用于治疗非洲人类锥虫病。Nifurtimox is registered for the treatment of American trypanosomiasis but not for human African trypanosomiasis.

昏睡病也称为“非洲人类锥虫病”,是一种传播广泛的热带病,如不给予治疗,则可能造成死亡。Sleeping sickness, also called "human African trypanosomiasis ", is a widespread tropical disease that can be fatal if not treated.

另一种类型的锥虫病主要发生在21个拉丁美洲国家,称为美洲锥虫病或恰加斯病。Another form of trypanosomiasis occurs mainly in 21 Latin American countries. It is known as American trypanosomiasis or Chagas disease.

控制非洲锥虫病的主要措施是减少感染贮主和采采蝇的存在。The main approaches to controlling African trypanosomiasis are to reduce the reservoirs of infection and the presence of the tsetse fly.

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十四酰转移酶抑制剂化合物在实验室中能快速杀死锥体虫,并治好了老鼠身上的锥体虫病。Their study showed this NMT-inhibitor compound leads to rapid killing of trypanosomes in laboratory tests and cures trypanosomiasis in mice.

世界卫生组织正在使用新的混合药物治疗非洲锥虫病,也就是众所周知的昏睡病。The World Health Organization is using a new combination of drugs to treat human African trypanosomiasis disease, also known as sleeping sickness.

世界卫生组织正在使用一种新型联合药物治疗非洲人类锥虫病,又称昏睡病。The World Health Organization is using a new combination of of drugs to treat human African trypanosomiasis disease, also known as sleeping sickness.

世界卫生组织正在使用一种新的药物组合来治疗非洲人类锥虫病,也称为昏睡症。The World Health Organization is using a new combination of drugs to treat the human African trypanosomiasis disease, also known as sleeping sickness.

锥虫属其它种和亚种的寄生虫对动物具有致病性并可在野生和家养动物种类中引起动物锥虫病。Other parasite species and sub-species of the Trypanosoma genus are pathogenic to animals and cause animal trypanosomiasis in wild and domestic animal species.

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世界卫生组织正使用一种新的复方抗菌药治疗人类非洲锥虫病,也被称为昏睡病。The World Health Organization is using a newcompenationcombinationof drugs to treatHumanhuman African trypanosomiasis disease, also known as sleeping sickness.

考虑到有关疟原虫、巴比西虫、锥虫和鞭毛虫的寄生虫检测,血液寄生虫的检测应服从于血涂片的显微镜检结果。The microscopic examination of blood films submitted for detection of blood parasites allows for detection of parasites responsible for malaria, babesiosis, trypanosomiasis and filariasis.

该基金会的任务是开发、评价、示范和加快推出对包括结核病、疟疾和非洲人类锥虫病在内的贫困病新的诊断检测和平台。Its mission is to develop, evaluate, demonstrate, and accelerate the roll out of new diagnostic tests and platforms for diseases of poverty, including TB, malaria, and human African trypanosomiasis.