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有过断断续续的辩论。There was intermittent debate about.

间歇的桔黄色是无法避免的intermittent oranges are unavoidable

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可如果这个问题是断断续续无规则的出现的呢?But what if this issue is intermittent?

这时断时续的雨泪,怎么就没个止境?This intermittent rain tears, how no one end?

问题是间歇性的还是总是发生?Is the issue intermittent or happen consistently?

间歇离合器或贮积器封口性能。Intermittent clutch or accumulator seal performance.

但欧央行的购买断断续续、不够果断。But its purchases have been intermittent and begrudging.

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控制装置抬起间歇压脚。The control device raises the intermittent presser foot.

八面体在浆池上方间歇性旋转。Octahedron slurry pond in the upper intermittent rotation.

全部于间歇期描记单极及双极导联EEG。All the cases were examined by EEG in the intermittent period.

于是,他想到发明间歇性雨刷。The idea for the intermittent windshield wiper entered his mind.

本文介绍一些刮水器间歇控制应用电路。A few intermittent control circuits of wipers are introduced here.

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间歇性跛行是由周围性血管疾病引起的。Intermittent claudication is caused by peripheral vascular disease.

间歇式雨刷也是当时我们研发项目之一。Of course, one of the things we worked on was the intermittent wiper.

间歇反应中微生物同化作用占主导地位。Microbe assimilation plays a leading role in the intermittent reaction.

具有调整打铃时间长短和间歇时间长短的功能。Bell has adjusted duration and the duration of the intermittent function.

窗外,秋雨淅淅沥沥地不知下了多久。Out the window, under the autumn intermittent way I do not know how long.

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这台录影机放音断断续续的,就插销接触不好。This video plays intermittent as a result of the poor contact of the plug.

断断续续的水管应该被视为是非常可疑的。?Intermittent tap-water supplies should be regarded as particularly suspect.

两国的人民白天黑夜都能听到间歇的炮击声。The people in these two countries heard intermittent gunshot day and night.