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包密封。Package sealing.

打开此包。Open this package.

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这个包裹是易碎品吗?Is this package fragile?

这是个捆得很紧的包裹。It was a compact package.

包退包换包赔制度。A small package or bundle.

所有这些所说的都是包装。It’s all about the package.

他猛然放下包裹。He planked down the package.

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我们有包价旅游。We have a full package tour.

每批任取一包。Each batch to take a package.

这件包裹重11盎司。This package weighs 11 ounces.

亨利把包裹撂下。Henry planked down the package.

这件包裹可真压秤。This package really weighs much.

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无法解压缩更新软件包。Unable to unpack update package.

在软件包名称上双击。Double click on the package name.

我给了他一包奥利奥。I offer him the package of Oreos.

请把这包裹用带子扎起来。Please tie the package with tape.

在根目录级创建一个包Create a package at the root level

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创建内容适配器文件包Create the content adapter package

创建触发器处理程序文件包Create the trigger handler package

你用“货到付款”的方式寄包裹吗?Did he send the package C. O. D. ?