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但我不抱太大希望。But I am not hopeful.

你必须怀抱希望。You have to be hopeful.

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乐观,并抱有希望。Be positive and hopeful.

在这方面有了一些可喜的迹象。There are hopeful signs of a shift.

前途似乎不太乐观。The future doesn't seem very hopeful.

我对她明天要来抱这希望。I'm hopeful that she will come tomorrow.

自卑感会有,但仍旧是充满希望。humbler, but still, just about, hopeful.

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我对她明天要来抱着希望。I am hopeful that she will come tomorrow.

我希望我可以发挥出我的特点。I'm hopeful I can feature, " he told EFE ."

迄今为止,已经出现了一些有希望的迹象。There have been some hopeful signs to date.

他们对她的腿的复原抱希望。They are hopeful about the recovery of her leg.

这背后,是父母望子成龙的心理。This implies that the parents hopeful psychology.

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但是当被问及这种情形何时能够结束,施奈尔并不乐观。But as to when it will end, Schneier is not hopeful.

金属硫蛋白是个有希望的细胞保护剂。Metallothionein is a hopeful agent for cell protection.

但他说,庆华会重新考虑,他对此满怀希望。But he said he was hopeful that Kingho would reconsider.

EM和NML仍然寄希望于利用这种紧张。EM and NML are still hopeful of exploiting this tension.

探视病人应使患者充满希望和快乐。The attendant should make the patient happy and hopeful.

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也许唯一可以为美国队拿到场地赛的奖牌。Maybe the only genuinely realistic US track medal hopeful.

秦州是一片充满希望与活力的开放开发热土。Qinzhou is a hopeful and dynamic development of open land.

参加的人要么是有本事,要么什么都没有。Each of you comes here today hopeful. Wanting in this game.