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亚述-亚洲西部的古帝国。Assyria, Ancient empire, southwestern Asia.

秦在今天的上海西南地区置海盐县。Qin Haiyan home in the southwestern region of Shanghai.

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北京市西南部的房山区受灾最重。The southwestern district of Fangshan was the hardest hit.

莫哈维绿蛇是美国西南部的一种毒蛇。The Mojave green is a poisonous snake of the southwestern US.

在非洲东部和西南部有很多猎豹。Most wild cheetahs are found in eastern and southwestern Africa.

西南海岸地区有着潮湿温和的海洋性气候。The southwestern coastal region has a humid mild marine climate.

木林子自然保护区位于鄂西南山区。Mulinzi situated at the mountainous region of southwestern Hubei.

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多刺灌木或乔木的小科产于美国西南部。Small family of spiny shrubs or trees of southwestern United States.

阳光从东北方向照射过来,给西南向的斜坡上留下了阴影。Sunlight from the northeast leaves southwestern facing slopes in shadow.

就在上周,一个5.8级地震震撼了西南部的云南省。Just last week, a 5.8-magnitude quake shook southwestern Yunnan province.

袭击发生在巴基斯坦东南部城市奎达,有80多人在袭击中受伤。The blast wounded more than 80 others in the southwestern city of Quetta.

开平是珍珠三角洲西南的一座小城。Kaiping is a small city in the southwestern part of the Pearl River Delta.

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位于爱达荷州西南部,是博伊西市的小城市的感觉。Located in southwestern Idaho, Boise is the city with the small town feel.

图片显示歼-20战机在西南某机场滑行。The pictures showed the J-20 taxiing on an airfield in southwestern China.

洪水、山体滑坡和泥石流袭击了西南地区几个村庄。Floods, landslides and mudslides have pummeled several southwestern regions.

据警方宣称,现年74岁的默寇,是在家乡乌尔姆镇的西南处,被火车撞死。Merckle, 74, was hit by a train in the southwestern town of Ulm, police said.

西南部隶属四川地台区的北缘。The southwestern portion belongs to the north margin of the Sichuan Platform.

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西南部城市波尔多酿酒历史悠久,其葡萄酒驰名于世。The southwestern city of Bordeaux wine has a long history, its wines worldwide.

公元1492年,西班牙西南部有一个叫帕卢斯的海港小镇。The year is A. D. 1492. The place is Palos, a harbor town in southwestern Spain.

上个月在土耳其西南部,萨尔达湖岸边就能看到这样的场景。Such was the case last month from the shore of Lake Salda in southwestern Turkey.