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我的境况就是如此。This had been my plight.

将你的苦境归咎于别人。Blame others for your plight.

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一分钱憋倒英雄汉。No one is a hero in the plight.

你怎么落到这步田地!How did you get into such a plight?

我已经说了许多杂货商的困境。I have spoken of the plight of the grocers.

“耶苦”是爱尼人传说中的一位英雄。"Ye plight" is one of the legends of heroes.

跟奥汀克谈一谈并对他们的困境伸出援手。Speak with Ogtinc to lend aid to their plight.

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然而陷入困境的并不只是石油生产国。The oil producers are not alone in their plight.

博士陷入困境的原因比较复杂。The reasons for the Ph. D. s' plight are complex.

她详细地讲述了难民们的悲惨境遇。She spoke at length about the plight of the refugees.

但用不了多久,他们可能有机会亲自感受一下高盛的处境。Some of them may soon be empathising with its plight.

甚至是最虔诚的教徒都不否认恒河现在的困境。Not even the devout deny the plight of the Ganges now.

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右派也不会对工人阶层所处的窘境而欢欣。Rightists don’t revel in the plight of workers either.

真正的关注点应该放在津巴布韦国家的困境上。The real attention has to be on the plight of Zimbabweans.

想要改善现在的苦境,我们只有更加努力的工作!We can change our miserable plight only by working harder.

全球化与社会主义的困境和勃兴。III. Globalization and the plight and revival of socialism.

来看一下中国边远的东北地区一个社区的情况。Take the plight of one community in China's far north-east.

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当然人们会对难民的困境怀有同情心。One can certainly empathize with the plight of the refugees.

尽管如此,总统对雪豹的下落还是十分关心。But the President was sympathetic to the plight of the leopard.

我们如果漠视缅甸的恶劣状况,就是愧对自己的价值观。We would not live up to our values if we ignored Burma's plight.