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我编写代码。I write code.

一套道德准则?A code of ethics?

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代码中不应该有制表符。No tabs in the code.

没有促销代码需要。No promo code needed.

验证邮政区码。Validate the ZIP code.

什么是代码建模?What is code modeling?

让我们看程序。Let's look at the code.

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摩尔斯电码是相同的。Morse code is the same.

向数据集添加代码。Add code to the dataset.

给文件夹标上颜色代码。Color code your folders.

该如何学习摩尔斯电码。How to learn morse code.

该代码有些冗长。This is very wordy code.

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但是ASCII仅是一种编码。But ASCII is just a code.

它能处理32位代码吗?Can it handle 32bit code?

中间是代码。In the center is my code.

它使您的代码简练。It keeps your code clean.

那就得像忍者那样写代码。So you code like a ninja.

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土地法禁止这么做。The land code forbids it.

他们能破译这种密码。They could read the code.

此密码有许多名字。This code has many names.