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顾委会将成为香港电台的「太上皇」?Would Panel Be RTHK's Overlord?

战役代号为“霸王行动”。The plan for this operation was coded "Overlord".

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829年,埃格伯特成了整个英国的最高君主。In 829, Egbert became an overlord of all the England.

但是公司对其佃户和工人可以作威作福,苛刻异常。But the company can be a harsh overlord to its crofters.

农民要俯首贴耳为地主效劳。The peasants owed service and obedience to their overlord.

用惯了盗版与吃惯了“霸王餐”有什么不一样吗?What's the difference between pirate and "overlord meal" ?

霸天虎分裂,震荡波,萨克巨人与霸王三雄并立。Decepticon army splits between Shockwave , Scorponok and Overlord.

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谭嗣同喜“为驰骋不羁之文,讲霸王经世之略”。Tan Hi "to ride the unruly text, speaking slightly Overlord statecraft."

阿诺希望对希姆拉霸主发动反击,为自己的不幸报仇。Anor hoped to strike back at Overlord Shimrra in revenge for his misfortune.

他被认为是霸王一些,但未能保持这一作用。He was considered an Overlord by some, but was unable to maintain that role.

他迫使苏格兰国王莫尔考姆二世承认他是最高统治者。D. Canute forced Malcolm II, king of the Scots, to recognize him as overlord.

我想对首相直接提出一个关于“霸王”战役的问题。I wish to pose a very direct question to the prime minister about "overlord".

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用惯了盗版与吃惯了“霸王餐”有什么不一样吗?It is the same when you are used to pirate, which the same as to have overlord meal.

为寻能量,霸王聚其部下远走塞伯坦,消失于太空深处。Overlord and his troops leave Cybertron to search for energy. They are lost in deep space.

1994年霸王花品牌的成立,标志着中国本土服装品牌的崛起。The overlord spends establishing of brand and marks growing of China clothing brand in 1994.

在他的讲词中,首次公开宣布我调任“统主”指挥。During that talk he made the first public announcement of my transfer to command of overlord.

这对赫梅利尼茨基而言,会让事态进一步复杂化,因为他的盟友现在正与他的主子交战。This complicated matters even further for Khmelnytsky, as his ally was now fighting his overlord.

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当然,这也是丰田如今可以称霸全球的制胜秘诀。Certainly, this is also the Toyota and can overlord among states secret in the overcome of world now.

要是推迟的话计划将会泄露到时候每个人都知道了在D日作战的霸王计划。Further delays would have given away the plan, known as Operation Overlord -- D-Day to everyone else.

在夺取核心世界的血腥战役中,察疯·拉直接向至尊统帅希姆拉负责。Tsavong Lah reported directly to Supreme Overlord Shimrra during his bloody campaign to take the Core.