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赫尔克里斯于是发动了一场战争,洗劫了艾丽斯。Hercules waged a successful war on the King, sacking Elis.

他将一个用帆布包着的重物扔到吉米脚下。And he flung a heavy object wrapped in sacking at Jimmy'sfeet.

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他因解雇老管理员而激起公愤。He incurred the odium of everyone by sacking the old caretaker.

一些激愤的人称圣赫勒拿管理者在劫掠,安德鲁·格尔说。Some demonstrators called for the sacking of St Helena's governor, Andrew Gurr.

建筑工人举行罢工,抗议解雇五十岁以上的砌砖工人。Construction workers walked out in protest at the sacking of bricklayers over 50.

在阿该亚人成功地攻下特洛伊之前有那么几十年的耽搁。And there was a delay of some ten years before the Achaeans succeeded in sacking Troy.

建筑工人上午举行罢工,抗议解雇一名砌砖工人。Building workers walked out during the morning in protest of the sacking of a bricklayer.

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她想要更快的改革,例如在能源方面,加上解雇不称职的部长。She wants faster reforms, for example in energy, plus the sacking of incompetent ministers.

我希望能想出一个两全之策来解决这个问题,而不至于开除这些忠心的工人。I hope we can find a solution that won't require us sacking our loyal and trusting employees.

我儿子在一所中学读二年级时,在一家超级市场找到了一份包装商品的业余工作。When my son was a hign-school sophomore, he got a part-time job sacking groceries at a supermarket.

数千愤怒的农村居民走到街上,砸烂汽车,洗劫政府办公室。Thousands of angry rural residents took to the streets, smashing cars and sacking government offices.

我儿子在一所中学读二年级时,在一家超级市场找到了一份包装商品的业余工作。When my son was a high-school sophomore, he got a part-time job-- sacking groceries at a supermarket.

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去年十二月,曼城解雇了主帅马克•休斯,之后罗伯托•曼奇尼走马上任。Roberto Mancini was appointed Manchester City manager in December following the sacking of Mark Hughes.

这意味着通报抄袭剽窃者,拒绝其申请科研经费,开除公职甚至可能提请法律制裁。This meant reporting plagiarists, denying them research funding, sacking them, and possibly suing them.

若望·保禄二世又说,对君士坦丁堡的洗劫,是天主教徒的“深切悔恨”之源。John Paul II also said that the sacking of Constantinople was a source of "profound regret" for Catholics.

穆塔基被解职的事情非常突然,但是这一事件的原因值得怀疑。The timing of Manouchehr Mottaki's sacking may have been sudden, but there's little doubt about its cause.

上海退休基金丑闻也导致市政府党委书记陈良宇被解除职务。The Shanghai pension fund scandal led to the sacking of the municipality's top Party official Chen Liangyu.

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对我们的咖啡屋来说,我们将必须寻找一些新的办法,采取一些类似解雇员工的经济措施。As for our cafe, we will have to find new ways to take some economic measures like sacking workers," he says.

上周日,王宝强在网上宣布与妻子马蓉离婚,并解雇他的经纪人宋喆。Wang Baoqiang announced online on Sunday that he was divorcing his wife, Ma Rong, and sacking his agent, Song Zhe.

上周日,王宝强在网上宣布与妻子马蓉离婚,并解雇他的经纪人宋喆。Wang Baoqiang announced online last Sunday that he wasdivorcing his wife, Ma Rong, and sacking his agent, Song Zhe.