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伊藤在这里赚钱。Here ito earn money.

我可亦挣到一些钱。I can earn some money.

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然后还有你挣多少,等等。And how much do you earn?

不要花钱超过你赚的。Spend less than you earn.

让她获得和我们在一起的机会。Lether EARN being with us.

怎么才能赚到更多的钱?So how does one earn more?

然后我就可以赚到更多的钱了。Then I can earn more mony.

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我们也得挣钱养家。We have to earn our bread.

你一周赚几多钱?。How much do you earn a week?

获奖战术已获得一面黑甲勋章。Earn at least one Onyx medal.

你要如何来获得这个尊重?How do you earn this respect?

你一星期赚多少钱?How much do your earn a week?

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杀龙时赚取硬币。earn coins when kill dragons.

我如何赚取活动点?How do I earn activity points?

他很早就开始自行谋生。He began to earn a living early.

是你能赚很多钱的时候吗?Is it when you earn a lot of money?

轻松赚取额外的收入!Kutu pintar-Easy way to earn money.

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盼望有一天您能对我刮目相看。I hope to earn your respect someday.

我们工作,我们努力赚钱养家糊口。We work. We strive to earn a living.

想要提出特殊要求,先要赢得尊重Earn Respect Before a Special Request