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如果你早晨起来闻到咖啡香,你就会想来一杯。If you wake up and smell coffee, you'll innately crave a cup.

这个男人的身上天然就带着让人舒服的性感。In a comfortable way, there really is something innately sexy about this man.

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天生带有恐惧和生气的大脑在进化过程中被选择。The brain that is innately fearful and angry has been selected for by evolution.

由于风力发电场Q7天生就是一个真实的全才,证明模型是一个完美的调整。Since the Q7 innately is a true all-rounder, it proves to be a perfect tuning model.

但是,针对二战老兵的调查显示,极少有人是天生好战的。But studies of World War II veterans suggest that very few men are innately bellicose.

人天生是慷慨的,如果有一个通道可以实现他们的慷慨,他们会给与应答。People are innately generous, and if they have a channel for their generosity, they’ll respond.

笛卡尔认为,对于上帝的认知,对于延展的认知,这些本来就存在于大脑之中。The idea of God, the idea of extension, according to Descartes, those are there innately in our minds.

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多数西方人,甚至包括那些玩世不恭者,对爱情和婚姻依然抱着浪漫的观点。Most Westerners, even the most jaded cynics, still take an innately romantic view of love and marriage.

除了鸟类提供了灵感,我们人类天生就明白,我们的命运与鸟类紧密相连。Beyond the inspiration birds offer, we humans understand innately that their fate is linked with our own.

如果直回的差异在人生早期已经存在,那么对先天说就是一个有力的支持。If the sex difference in the SG is present early in life, this strengthens the idea that it is innately programmed.

从打嗝到智齿的产生,人类的进化留下了许多让人惊叹的变化,然而人类也并非已进化得完美无缺。From hiccups to wisdom teeth, the evolution of homo sapiens has left behind some glaring, yet innately human, imperfections

我在关于原意识的新理论中严肃探讨了一种可能性,即大脑天生是恐惧和生气的。My new theory of proto-consciousness takes seriously the possibility that the brain is innately fearful and innately angry.

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字典则持有一种广义上的观点,并举出了一些认为自己的国家天生优越的沙文主义者的例子。Dictionaries take a wider perspective and offer examples of chauvinists who think it is their country that is innately superior.

在讨论服务集成成熟度时,工作流是一个特殊类别,这是因为它们原本与集成不相干。Workflow is a special category when discussing service integration maturity because they are not innately linked to integration.

在文学中,人们谈的那些让人害怕的刺激物——蛇、蜘蛛、那些我们天生就怕的东西。In the literature, people talk about prepared fear stimuli —snakes, spiders, things that we’re innately prepared to be afraid of.

但是,是否女性在领导岗位上处于不利地位是因为传统偏见——她们天生不如男人有力吗?But are women in leadership positions at a disadvantage because, according to popular belief, they are innately less forceful than men are?

如果你觉得你没有掌控你的工作的能力,不要马上得出你或许天生就没有这种完成任务的能力。If you feel like you don’t have mastery in your work, don’t automatically conclude that you are somehow innately incapable of achieving competence.

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从它形成了一个受精卵,甚至每一个中国孩子的心是天生充满许多仇恨不仅你,但你的孩子以及。From the time it's formed as a zygote, even every Chinese baby's heart is innately filled with much hate for not only you, but your children as well.

我相当本土的关于认知,我很想看看那模式和奇迹,是达尔文给我们一些天生就错误的想法?两性。I'm rather a nativist about cognition, and I am tempted to look at that pattern and wonder, did Darwin give us some innately wrong idea about the genders?

爱情中十分猛烈的一部分是它会让你揣着那些让你感觉自己特别、被人爱、珍贵、内在善良的信念。The really potent part of love is that it allows you to carry around beliefs about yourself that make you feel special, desirable, precious, innately good.