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里约热内卢贫民窟里孩童们在玩耍。Brazilian children play in a Rio de Janeiro favela.

几十幅图像改变了里约热内卢的贫民区形象。Here, a favela in Rio de Janeiro is transformed by dozens of images.

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他问她,并表明他德赫苏成堆的写作,她在她的小屋中的贫民窟。He asked her about it, and de Jesus showed him stacks of writing she had in her hut in the favela.

说它像一个鱼龙混杂的半合法的平民窟一样强大听起来还是蛮有些道理的。It's a bit more plausible to say that they're strong like a big sprawling semilegal favela is strong.

埃斯特在维迪加尔住的地方离外科医生很近,维迪加尔是一处贫民窟,四周被白晃晃的丽布隆的白沙滩围绕。Ester lived nearby to the surgeon in Vidigal, a favela flanking the brilliant white sand beach of Leblon.

新贫民区一旦膨胀起来,便成为社会和经济问题严重的社区。And once a new favela grows exponentially, it becomes a neighborhood with big social and economic problems.

这些人付不起房租,因此进入一些公共和私人地带,形成新的贫民区。These people cannot afford to pay the rent, so they invade public and private areas and start a new favela.

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我在这家旅馆住了五天,佩利拉贫民区和周边地区的安全不成问题。During the five days and nights that I stayed at the Favelinha, safety in and around the favela was never an issue.

出版后不久,她的日记,德赫苏是能够实现长期的梦想正在举行她的家庭摆脱贫民窟。Soon after the publication of her diary, de Jesus was able to realize a long-held dream of moving her family out of the favela.

荷西尼亚在葡萄牙语中的意思是“小牧场”,位于孔拉多和加维亚区之间,是南美最大的贫民区。Situated between the So Conrado and Gávea districts of Rio de Janeiro, Rocinha meaning small ranch in Portuguese is the largest slum or "favela" in South America.

以一种体验,来诠释各种人的生活,以体验其中的自我剖析,来体会他人的生存状态,完善自己的精神世界。作品记录南京中山门城墙下的贫民区,南京酒吧的夜生活。The author entered the favela and bars in Nanjing to show a different world, got to know others' living conditions, and meanwhile made his own spiritual world complete.