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龙涎香是抹香鲸肠内的结石。Ambergris is the concretion in the intestine of the sperm-whale.

早上醒来,先喝一杯水,预防结石。Wake up in the morning, the first drink a glass of water, of concretion.

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这种聚集在新西兰被发现,在哈萨克斯坦的大草原上也有发现。Concretion found in New Zeland. Concretion found in the steppe of Kazakhstan.

改革和发展公有制必须以强化社会主义民主法制为前提。Socialist legal system is concretion of democracy and internal mechanism of public ownership.

咖啡具有几种可降低胆石形成的代谢作用。Coffee has several metabolic personalty that could dilute the hazard of concretion manufacture.

两国的成语谚语都具有具象性,重情感描述。The two countries'idiom-adages both have concretion and pay attention to emotional description.

目的探讨胆石病术后结石复发的原因及防治。Objective To discuss the causation and prevention of concretion recrudescent after cholelithiasis operation.

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目的比较良恶性肿瘤患者的血液流变学及血凝的变化。Objective To compare the changes of hemorheology and blood concretion status in patients with benign and malignant tumors.

因此,有必要以犯罪构成特征为基础对两类犯罪进行比较分析。But two kinds of crimes are evidently distinguished in the infringed criminal object, in concretion content and some details.

在人们的心目中,面具是灵魂的载体,是神祗的具体化,它代表着灵魂、精神、神祗、祖先和英雄。In peoples minds, mask, as the carrier of soul and the concretion of deity, represents soul, spirit, deity, ancestor and hero.

本文结合一些具体教案,试图探讨初中化学教学中与此相适应的一些教学方法。Combined with some concretion teaching plan this paper tries to approach the teaching method of junior high school chemistry teaching.

体外冲击波疗法已广泛应用于临床泌尿外科和骨科,成为治疗泌尿系结石和骨骼肌肉系统疾病的常规治疗方法。Shock-wave therapy is indicated for treatment of genitourinary concretion and musculoskeletal disease, it is routine method in clinic.

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本文结合一些具体教案,试图探讨初中化学教学中与此相适应的一些教学方法。Combined with some concretion teaching plan, this paper tries to approach the teaching method of junior high school chemistry teaching.

为了表现沉缓压抑的民族生存状态,影片还往往通过一种定格的静态构图,造成空间的凝固。To convey the depressive subsistence of the nation, Zhang's films usually resort to frozen static images to create the concretion of space.

经驯化,此菌由厌氧生长,被驯化为在牛乳中生长良好,并使牛乳在10小时内迅速凝固的菌种。Through training for a time, it to be grown by anaerobic condition, change into grow good in milk, and make the milk concretion in 10 hours.

尿结石是危害人体健康的泌尿系统疾病,其中以草酸钙型结石最为常见。The urinary concretion is a kind of urinary system disease which does harm to body health. The calcium oxalate stone is the most common type.

方法用凝固法对156例分泌性中耳炎患者治疗过程中的中耳积液中纤维蛋白原含量进行动态检测。Methods The fibrinogen content of middle ear effusion from 156 patients with SOM was investigated with concretion technique at different stages.

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通过不同试件的性能对比,确定石灰类复合团结土的团结机理。Ultimately, the concretion mechanism of limy composite concretion earth is made certain by way of performance contrast among different specimens.

不会。其实结石的产生由于体内缺钙的原因,服用纳米珍珠粉反而有助于预防结石。No. In fact, the concretion is due to the lack of calcium, so the intake of nanometer pearl powder will help to reduce the possibility of concretion.

通过田间试验研究了淮北平原砂姜黑土地区小麦施钾的增产效应。Five field experiments of response of wheat yield to K application were conducted for two years in lime concretion black soil region of Huaibei plain.