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我的上传下载比例是多少?。So, what's MY ratio?

受害比率。Victimization ratio.

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比的了东营吗?Ratio of Dongying do?

这是黄金比例数。This is the Golden Ratio.

储蓄率的比值是净数值。The ratio is a net figure.

询问员工与孩子的比例。Ask about staff to child ratio.

房屋租售比如何?What's the price-to-rent ratio?

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电压驻波比?。VSWR? Voltage Standing Wave Ratio?

这款显卡性价比很高,值的购买。Great card price-performance ratio.

投影的宽高比。The aspect ratio of the projection.

当前比例在38.3左右。The ratio is currently around 38.3.

固定利率贷款可降低你的负债收入比。It lowers your debt-to-income ratio.

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在新加坡得到的盈利率甚至还更低。The ratio in Singapore is even lower.

注意你收入与扣除额的比例。Watch your income-to-deduction ratio.

张飞?阿飞我也比不了哇!Zhang Fei?Teddy boy I also ratio not!

到2005年,这一比率增加到122倍。By 2005 this ratio had increased to 122.

徐嘉惠说怎样可能,她比我大!How could she XuJiaHui said ratio I big!

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这个比例,像变魔术一样。Out of that the ratio worked like magic.

运行时阻抗随转差率减少。The impedance decreases with slip ratio.

和上面那张比没什么变化吗。And no change in the above ratio goes up.